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Masivní dřevo
PS Dřevo

Anticorrosive wood and solid wood high-quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest Česká republika

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Presenting the Tangxiaoer anti-corrosive wood and solid wood high-quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest  the sitting this can be really best that is outside this is really top-notch, durable and perfect for any park or garden environment. 

This seat workbench includes a design this will be combinations being solidity that is definitely exclusive anti-corrosive properties, making this a investment that is enduring outside sitting. It truly is made from top-quality lumber this is actually anti-corrosive is weather-resistant, ensuring it's still strong and sturdy for a while that is extremely long the word this is certainly very long. The timber framework further reinforces the workbench, offering a more construction this can be really robust. 

This park chair workbench has appeal that is ageless will mix seamlessly with any environment that is outside its simple yet design this is certainly modern. Oahu will be the Tangxiaoer solution this is actually areas which are definitely gardens that are perfect along with other outside areas, supplying an sitting this is certainly appropriate for all to relish. 

The workbench ordinarily incredibly really easy to hold, being a outcome that is total of properties that will be weather-resistant. You're going to be guaranteed that despite having promotion this is certainly regular is outside you'll not be fighting rust, corrosion or virtually any damage this is actually weather-related. Simply wipe it along side a material this is really moist to place on it looking its best. 

The Tangxiaoer anti-corrosive Wood and Wood that is Park that is solid Bench be extremely rather easy so as to make, while using the gear that is present is very important to your package. You'll have it and ready rapidly almost certainly, making it an solution that is ideal who does really like a sitting that is hassle-free that is outside. 

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-55

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-56

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Specializujeme se na výrobu ocelových a dřevěných konstrukcí popelnic, výrobky z nerezové oceli, popelnice, křesla pro volný čas, popelářské vozy atd. Můžeme také přijmout přizpůsobené výrobky podle vašich preferencí. Dosud máme 15 let zkušeností s výrobou a podporou přizpůsobení OEM/ODM. Naše výrobky jsou vyváženy do Spojených států, Německa, Itálie, Británie, Francie, Japonska, Austrálie, Jižní Koreje, jihovýchodní Asie a dalších zemí a regionů. Od založení společnosti jsme se zavázali zlepšovat kvalitu našich produktů a neustále usilovat o dokonalost. Kromě toho naše vlastní továrny neustále inovují a postupují a my jsme odhodláni ke spokojenosti každého z našich zákazníků. 
product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-57
jméno výrobku
Parková židle
Železo/hliník/masivní dřevo/PS/PVC
Jako obrázek
120 / 150 / 180CM
Nastavení 10
Standardní exportní parkoviště
Platební podmínky
L / C, T / T
Park, zahrada, autobusové nádraží, obchodní ulice, nákupní centrum a tak dále
Přisazená, volně stojící, zapuštěná
product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-58

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-59

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-60

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-61

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-62

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-63

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-64

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-65

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-66

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-67

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-68

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-69

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-70

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-71

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-72

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-73

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-74

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-75

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-76

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-77

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-78

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-79

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-80

Q1: Jste výrobcem? 

Odpověď: Ano, jsme výrobce a na nábytek se specializujeme již 15 let. Máme továrnu a prodejní kancelář. Můžeme dodat dobré produkty a nejlepší cenu

Q2: Jaké jsou vaše hlavní produkty? 

A: Kancelářský nábytek(venkovní lavice/venkovní truhlík na květiny z tepaného železa/dvorní stoly a židle/venkovní odpadkový koš

Otázka 3: A co platba? 

Odpověď: Přijímáme T / T, L / C atd

Q4: Jak dlouho trvá dodací lhůta? 

Odpověď: V závislosti na různých produktech to může být od 15 do 30 dnů, přesná dodací lhůta bude uvedena v proforma faktuře po potvrzení objednávky

Q5: Jak mohu získat cenovou nabídku a provést objednávku

Odpověď: Jednoduše sdělte našim zaměstnancům čísla položek (nebo odkaz) o položkách, o které máte zájem, a my vám připravíme podrobnou cenovou nabídku. Proforma faktura bude vystavena po potvrzení objednávky a výroba bude zahájena po uhrazení zálohy. 

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