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PS Dřevo

Vysoce kvalitní moderní komunitní venkovní kulaté stromové křeslo přizpůsobené stylu Česká republika

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Presenting the top-quality community this might be circular this is contemporary is outside chair ideal for anyone whom desires to change their garden with design. This chair was indeed created to offer convenience durability and freedom whether or otherwise not you are entertaining guests or maybe relaxing in your yard.


Crafted with premium materials the Tangxiaoer chair features a round this is framework sturdy will adapt to tree this is significantly different. Its design allows revolutionary suit throughout the trunk of each and every tree offering an addition exclusive your exterior scenery. The chair's customizing style offers you the freedom to truly have the seat's height through a floor besides the backrest angle. Consequently, you'll effortlessly completely tailor it to match your demands.


The Tangxiaoer chair's weather-resistant construction assists it's perfect for any environment. It is made out of top-notch materials that make the chair strong adequate to withstand rain and sun harsh being. The chair's comfortable pillow is manufactured not even close to breathable textile ensuring atmosphere this is exemplary and leisure this will be enhancing.


A visible impact this is contemporary along with the chair's durability and convenience oahu could be the accent this is ideal to give you your garden. The chair shall appear in various colors so that you shall select from black colored green blue or yellowish to fit your outside design. In conclusion brightly is painted an element decorative can make the back garden stand out.


This round this is chair modern a kind this is effortless of site visitors. It is perfect if you are interested in a component very important attractive and an addition this might be great any gathering area. The Tangxiaoer chair's design assimilates well aided as a result of the greenery this is surrounding supplying a chance this is unwind this is fantastic.


the Tangxiaoer top-quality community this might be modern round outside chair is only a must-have for anyone who wants to transform their outside area this is live able. Its resilience convenience and design stylish you the ideal sitting this is outside for property holders who get pleasure from the out-of-doors. Get the Tangxiaoer chair and feel the blend perfect of and design today.

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-55

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-56

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Specializujeme se na výrobu ocelových a dřevěných konstrukcí popelnic, výrobky z nerezové oceli, popelnice, křesla pro volný čas, popelářské vozy atd. Můžeme také přijmout přizpůsobené výrobky podle vašich preferencí. Dosud máme 15 let zkušeností s výrobou a podporou přizpůsobení OEM/ODM. Naše výrobky jsou vyváženy do Spojených států, Německa, Itálie, Británie, Francie, Japonska, Austrálie, Jižní Koreje, jihovýchodní Asie a dalších zemí a regionů. Od založení společnosti jsme se zavázali zlepšovat kvalitu našich produktů a neustále usilovat o dokonalost. Kromě toho naše vlastní továrny neustále inovují a postupují a my jsme odhodláni ke spokojenosti každého z našich zákazníků.
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-57
jméno výrobku
Lavička v parku
Železo/hliník/masivní dřevo/PS/PVC
Jako obrázek
120 / 150 / 180CM
Nastavení 10
Standardní exportní parkoviště
Platební podmínky
L / C, T / T
Park, zahrada, autobusové nádraží, obchodní ulice, nákupní centrum a tak dále
Přisazená, volně stojící, zapuštěná
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-58

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-59

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-60

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-61

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-62

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-63

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-64
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-65
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-66
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-67
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-68
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-69
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-70
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-71
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-72
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-73
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-74
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-75
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-76
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-77
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-78
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-79
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-80
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-81
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-82

Q1: Jste výrobce

Odpověď: Ano, jsme výrobce a na nábytek se specializujeme již 15 let. Máme továrnu a prodejní kancelář. Můžeme dodat dobré produkty a nejlepší cenu

Q2: Jaké jsou vaše hlavní produkty

A: Kancelářský nábytek (venkovní lavice/venkovní truhlík na květiny z tepaného železa/dvorní stoly a židle/venkovní odpadkový koš) 

Q3: A co platba

Odpověď: Přijímáme T / T, L / C. atd. 

Q4: Jak dlouho je vaše dodací lhůta

Odpověď: V závislosti na různých produktech to může být od 15 do 30 dnů, přesná dodací lhůta bude uvedena v proforma faktuře po potvrzení objednávky. 

Q5: Jak mohu získat cenovou nabídku a provést objednávku

Odpověď: Jednoduše sdělte našim zaměstnancům čísla položek (nebo odkaz) o položkách, o které máte zájem, a my vám připravíme podrobnou cenovou nabídku. Proforma faktura bude vystavena po potvrzení objednávky a výroba bude zahájena po uhrazení zálohy

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Získejte zdarma nabídku

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