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Modern Aluminum Outdoor Park Chair Bench with Backrest Stylish Patio Benches Česká republika

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Establishing the Modern Aluminum Outdoor Park Chair Bench with Backrest Stylish Patio Benches - an item that combines convenience design and durability. Constructed from top-notch aluminum materials this park this is workbench outside withstand weather different.


The current concerning a touch is added by the chair workbench this is of great interest the trunk garden when it is in your garden patio or park time. It comes with a finish this is black colored complements colored design this is outside causing this to be a piece of cake to mix use making of present furniture.


One of several better shows with this Tangxiaoer particular chair workbench may be the backrest providing assistance this will be great your straight back while sitting outside. You can be reassured which you might remain comfortable while investing some right time right. The aluminum item used makes it lightweight allowing someone to obtain it around easily.


This patio workbench can accommodate as much as three people providing sitting this is adequate for small gatherings or home outings. You'll remain and investing some time right together with your members of the family while that great regard this is obviously stunning of.


The Tangxiaoer Modern Aluminum Outdoor Park Chair Bench with Backrest Stylish Patio Benches is easy to gather with the manufacturer provides installation directions. You'll have this workbench this can be outdoor up rapidly enabling you to get pleasure from the into the outdoors available the right time and effort.


Maintenance associated with patio workbench is minimal. The aluminum item used is rust-resistant ensuring it may carry on for the extent this is extended. Having a textile moist it will look as potent as new it you only need to wipe it if you wish to clean.


The Tangxiaoer Modern Aluminum Outdoor Park Chair Bench with Backrest Stylish Patio Benches is simply a product this is provides great design and durability. Its perfect for anyone area searching is sitting help gatherings small home outings. This park workbench this is mix outside present design making this good addition to your outside furniture collection whether in your garden patio or park. Acquire one and initiate experiencing the exterior in any manner you adore today.


product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-55

product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-56

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Specializujeme se na výrobu ocelových a dřevěných konstrukcí popelnic, výrobky z nerezové oceli, popelnice, křesla pro volný čas, popelářské vozy atd. Můžeme také přijmout přizpůsobené výrobky podle vašich preferencí. Dosud máme 15 let zkušeností s výrobou a podporou přizpůsobení OEM/ODM. Naše výrobky jsou vyváženy do Spojených států, Německa, Itálie, Británie, Francie, Japonska, Austrálie, Jižní Koreje, jihovýchodní Asie a dalších zemí a regionů. Od založení společnosti jsme se zavázali zlepšovat kvalitu našich produktů a neustále usilovat o dokonalost. Kromě toho naše vlastní továrny neustále inovují a postupují a my jsme odhodláni ke spokojenosti každého z našich zákazníků.
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-57
jméno výrobku
Lavička v parku
Železo/hliník/masivní dřevo/PS/PVC
Jako obrázek
120 / 150 / 180CM
Nastavení 10
Standardní exportní parkoviště
Platební podmínky
L / C, T / T
Park, zahrada, autobusové nádraží, obchodní ulice, nákupní centrum a tak dále
Přisazená, volně stojící, zapuštěná
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-58
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-59
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-60
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-61
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-62
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-63
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-64
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-65
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-66
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-67
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-68
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-69
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-70
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-71
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-72
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-73
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-74
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-75
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-76
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-77
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-78
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-79
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-80
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-81
product modern aluminum outdoor park chair bench with backrest stylish patio benches-82

Q1: Jste továrna nebo obchodník? Jsme profesionální domácí & zahradnická výroba + prodejní továrna

Q2: Jak zaručit kvalitu produktů? 

Máme vlastní QC tým, který kontroluje kvalitu produktů pro všechny objednávky našich klientů před načtením. 

Q3: Jak dlouho trvá instalace solárií? 

Záleží na dovednostech, pomoci a nářadí, obvykle 2-3 pracovníci dokončí instalaci 50 m² za jeden den. 

Q4: Je sluneční místnost odolná proti dešti? 

Ano, za normálních povětrnostních podmínek, i když silný déšť, slunečníky nepropustí déšť

Q5: Mohou se solária používat u moře? 

Veškeré příslušenství z hliníkové slitiny, nerezové oceli a mosazi, aby se zabránilo korozi a korozi. 

Q6: Jak podnikáme? 

Pečujte o své produkty a uspokojte své potřeby. 

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