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Korrosioonivastasest puidust väliparki tool pink loominguline puidust pink kahe istmega

  • Kirjeldus
Kas on probleem? Palun võtke meiega ühendust, et teid teenindada!

Kas on mingi probleem?
Palun võtke meiega ühendust, et teid teenindada!




Presenting the Anti-corrosive Wood Outdoor Park Chair Bench an ideal solution sitting almost any area outside. Created using this product quality materials best this innovative lumber workbench is meant to final for a long time to the future. Featuring two comfortable seats it's the addition perfect virtually any park yard or room outside.


The Tangxiaoer Anti-corrosive Wood Outdoor Park Chair Bench is manufactured from premium quality wood that has been addressed by having a finish anti-corrosive protect it through the sun and rain. This means its perfect for use within any the weather and will perhaps not decline with time. The workbench could be resistant to UV rays and therefore it shall perhaps not diminish or lose its color into the run long.


The 2 seats into the workbench are designed for optimum convenience. They are wide sufficient to support individuals of any size the relative sides that could be curved help for the trunk and throat. The Tangxiaoer look can be ergonomically friendly making it is possible to lay from the workbench all night without having any disquiet.


One of many standouts top features of this workbench is its imaginative design. The wood slats are arranged in a pattern appealing that makes it an eye-catching addition to virtually any area outside. It is well suited for incorporating some value visual to a park yard or any location outside.


The workbench normally quite simple to assemble. It comes aided by the hardware this is important is come up with in mins. In addition, it's very a task easy clean and maintain. It may be cleaned straight down having a Textile wet any debris or dirt are swept away with simplicity.


The Tangxiaoer Anti-corrosive Wood Outdoor Park Chair Bench may be the perfect choice you should be buying good quality and durable outside sitting solution for you if. Along with its anti-corrosive finish comfortable chair design and appealing look it is a great selection for any room outside. Plus utilizing the Tangxiaoer brand you will be obtaining an item which was intended to endure behind it you'll be able to rest assured.


product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-55

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-56

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Oleme spetsialiseerunud teras- ja puitkonstruktsiooniga prügikastide tootmisele, roostevabast terasest tooted, prügimajad, vabaaja toolid, prügiautod jne. Võime vastu võtta ka kohandatud tooteid vastavalt teie eelistustele. Siiani on meil 15-aastane kogemus tootmises, mis toetab OEM-i / ODM-i kohandamist. Meie tooteid eksporditakse Ameerika Ühendriikidesse, Saksamaale, Itaaliasse, Suurbritanniasse, Prantsusmaale, Jaapanisse, Austraaliasse, Lõuna-Koreasse, Kagu-Aasiasse ning teistesse riikidesse ja piirkondadesse. Alates ettevõtte asutamisest oleme pühendunud oma toodete kvaliteedi parandamisele ja püüdleme pidevalt tipptaseme poole. Lisaks sellele uuendavad ja arenevad meie enda tehased pidevalt ning oleme pühendunud iga kliendi rahulolule.
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-57
Nagu pilt
120 / 150 / 180CM
10 Komplektid
Standardne ekspordiparkla
L / C, T / T
Park, aed, bussijaam, kaubandustänav, kaubanduskeskus ja nii edasi
Pinnapealne, eraldiseisev, sisseehitatud
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-58

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-59

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-60
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-61
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-62
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-63
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-64
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-65
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-66
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-67
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-68
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-69
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-70
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-71
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-72
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-73
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-74
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-75
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-76
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-77
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-78
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-79
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-80
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-81
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-82

Q1: Kas olete tootja?

V: Jah, me oleme tootja ja oleme mööblile spetsialiseerunud 15 aastat. Meil on tehas ja müügikontor. Pakume häid tooteid ja parimat hinda

Q2: Mis on teie peamised tooted

V: Kontorimööbel (välispink / sepistatud lillekast õues / hoovilauad ja toolid / välimine prügikast) 

Q3: Kuidas on lood maksega

V: Aktsepteerime T / T, L / C. jne

Q4: kui pikk on teie tarneaeg

V: Olenevalt erinevatest toodetest võib see olla 15 kuni 30 päeva, täpne tarneaeg täpsustatakse proforma arvel pärast tellimuse kinnitamist

K5: Kuidas saada pakkumist ja tellimusi teha

V: Lihtsalt teatage meie töötajatele teid huvitavate kaupade numbrid (või link) ja me koostame teile üksikasjaliku pakkumise. Proforma arve väljastatakse pärast tellimuse kinnitamist ja tootmist alustatakse pärast ettemaksu lõppu

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Meie esindaja võtab teiega peagi ühendust.
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Meie esindaja võtab teiega peagi ühendust.
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