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Moodne Hiina Merbau puidust pink metallist seljatoega väliaia pargipink koolikeskuse villa jaoks

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Tangxiaoer brings you stunning, modern Merbau this is really Chinese Wooden with Metal Backrest this might be really beneficial to your outside sitting demands. This workbench needs to include beauty, convenience, and functionality to your loveable space whether you ought to increase your yard up, park, university, retail complex, home, or patio

Constructed from top-notch Merbau timber, this workbench is very durable and resistant to climate this is actually harsh and wear and tear. Tangxiaoer the timber founded reality because of its rich, dark-red hue and stripy grain practices offering it a specific and appearance this is really elegant

The metal backrest through the workbench is manufactured far from premium quality metal, expected to bring convenience this is certainly assistance that is maximum use that is ensuring is actually durable. The backrest is ergonomically made to give you the amount that is right of to find the best back, allowing you to remain effortlessly for really hours being very long

This workbench this might be certainly perfect that is anybody that is outside a comfy and trendy sitting option that may mix seamlessly with various outside settings. It really is ideal for outside sitting in public areas, such as for instance malls, schools, and areas that could be public that is areas that are general could be individual such as for example gardens and patios

The Tangxiaoer Modern Chinese Merbau Wooden Bench with Metal Backrest is straightforward to arranged and requirements upkeep that is minimal alongside its stunning design. It is actually an easy task to neat and appearance after the workbench by wiping it having a material that is moist by using a detergent this might be really moderate

The Tangxiaoer name brand has produced a reputation this can be really solid furniture that is producing is top-quality is outside surpasses consumers' goals. With Tangxiaoer, you may very well be yes you shall get furniture that's not simply practical and gorgeous it really is also developed to last the Tangxiaoer Modern Chinese Merbau Wooden Bench with Metal Backrest is only a must-have for people who choosing a workbench this really is actually outside will offer convenience, design, and functionality. Its suitable for professional and settings which are domestic may even withstand weather this is actually harsh, making it the right sitting this is certainly outside for every space


product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-55

product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-56

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Oleme spetsialiseerunud teras- ja puitkonstruktsiooniga prügikastide tootmisele, roostevabast terasest tooted, prügimajad, vabaaja toolid, prügiautod jne. Võime vastu võtta ka kohandatud tooteid vastavalt teie eelistustele. Seni on meil 15-aastane kogemus tootmises, mis toetab OEM-i / ODM-i kohandamist. Meie tooteid eksporditakse Ameerika Ühendriikidesse, Saksamaale, Itaaliasse, Suurbritanniasse, Prantsusmaale, Jaapanisse, Austraaliasse, Lõuna-Koreasse, Kagu-Aasiasse ning teistesse riikidesse ja piirkondadesse. Alates ettevõtte asutamisest oleme pühendunud oma toodete kvaliteedi parandamisele ja püüdleme pidevalt tipptaseme poole. Lisaks teevad meie tehased pidevalt uuendusi ja arenevad ning oleme pühendunud iga kliendi rahulolule
product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-57
Pargi tool
Nagu pilt
120 / 150 / 180CM
10 Komplektid
Standardne ekspordiparkla
L / C, T / T
Park, aed, bussijaam, kaubandustänav, kaubanduskeskus ja nii edasi
Pinnapealne, eraldiseisev, sisseehitatud
product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-58

product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-59

product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-60

product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-61
product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-62
product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-63
product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-64
product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-65
product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-66
product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-67
product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-68
product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-69
product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-70
product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-71
product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-72
product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-73
product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-74
product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-75
product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-76
product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-77
product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-78
product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-79
product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-80

product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-81

product modern chinese merbau wooden bench with metal backrest outdoor garden park bench for school mall villa patio for parks exteriors-82
Q1: Kas olete tootja?
V: Jah, me oleme tootja ja oleme mööblile spetsialiseerunud 15 aastat. Meil on tehas ja müügikontor. Pakume häid tooteid ja parimat hinda

Q2: Mis on teie peamised tooted
V: Kontorimööbli välipink / sepistatud lillekast õues / õuelauad ja toolid / välimine prügikast

Q3: Kuidas on lood maksega
V: Aktsepteerime T / T, L / C jne

Q4: kui pikk on teie tarneaeg
V: Olenevalt erinevatest toodetest võib see olla 15 kuni 30 päeva, täpne tarneaeg täpsustatakse proforma arvel pärast tellimuse kinnitamist

K5: Kuidas saada pakkumist ja tellimusi teha
V: Lihtsalt teatage meie töötajatele teid huvitavate kaupade numbrid (või link) ja me koostame teile üksikasjaliku pakkumise. Proforma arve väljastatakse pärast tellimuse kinnitamist ja tootmist alustatakse pärast ettemaksu lõppu

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