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The public this is outside may be the perfect addition to almost any park or back yard where comfortable and sturdy sitting will become necessary. Featuring anti-corrosive lumber and sturdy casting iron feet this workbench can withstand possibly the climate conditions toughest and remain searching breathtaking for many years as time goes on.


This workbench provides sufficient space for just two people to stay and flake out while experiencing the fantastic on view air with two roomy seats and a comfy backrest. The timber anti-corrosive to create the sitting and backrest is very addressed to get rid of harm from sunshine rainfall and dampness making sure the workbench is still in top condition for a long amount of time in the future.


The casting iron feet regarding the Tangxiaoer workbench aren't just strong and sturdy nevertheless in addition they put in an impression of beauty to your design general. They're very carefully crafted to provide help maximum security and durability causing the workbench a great option for high-traffic areas or use hefty.


The Tangxiaoer public outdoor normally fashionable and great looking along with its practicality and durability. Its contemporary design and finish this is sleek it addition outstanding almost any yard whether it is a park a yard or a commercial environment including a plaza café or restaurant.


The Tangxiaoer brand name is fabled for its furniture top-notch that outside this workbench isn't any exclusion. Crafted with accuracy and awareness of information the Tangxiaoer public outside is just a testament towards the name brand's dedication to quality and customer service. It is supported by an assurance dedication substantial customer care making you could be entirely pleased with your purchase.


the Tangxiaoer outdoor public workbench is a superb option for anybody buying trendy practical and sturdy sitting solution outside. The Tangxiaoer workbench will fulfill and meet or exceed your objectives whether you are your own house owner buying an appropriate destination to curl up in your patio or perhaps a general public park supervisor buying sturdy and workbench durable. Why maybe not buy quality bit of outside furniture today and luxuriate within the fantastic out-of-doors in design and convenience along with the Tangxiaoer public bench outside?


product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-55

product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-56

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Oleme spetsialiseerunud teras- ja puitkonstruktsiooniga prügikastide tootmisele, roostevabast terasest tooted, prügimajad, vabaaja toolid, prügiautod jne. Võime vastu võtta ka kohandatud tooteid vastavalt teie eelistustele. Siiani on meil 15-aastane kogemus tootmises, mis toetab OEM-i / ODM-i kohandamist. Meie tooteid eksporditakse Ameerika Ühendriikidesse, Saksamaale, Itaaliasse, Suurbritanniasse, Prantsusmaale, Jaapanisse, Austraaliasse, Lõuna-Koreasse, Kagu-Aasiasse ning teistesse riikidesse ja piirkondadesse. Alates ettevõtte asutamisest oleme pühendunud oma toodete kvaliteedi parandamisele ja püüdleme pidevalt tipptaseme poole. Lisaks sellele uuendavad ja arenevad meie enda tehased pidevalt ning oleme pühendunud iga kliendi rahulolule.
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-57
Nagu pilt
120 / 150 / 180CM
10 Komplektid
Standardne ekspordiparkla
L / C, T / T
Park, aed, bussijaam, kaubandustänav, kaubanduskeskus ja nii edasi
Pinnapealne, eraldiseisev, sisseehitatud
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-58
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-59
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-60
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-61
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-62
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-63
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-64
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-65
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-66
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-67
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-68
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-69
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-70
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-71
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-72
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-73
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-74
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-75
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-76
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-77
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-78
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-79
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-80
product outdoor public bench anti corrosive wood park chair bench two seats casting iron legs with backrest803-81

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