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The Outdoor Wrought Iron Patio Bench Park Chair will be the addition perfect almost any area outside. Its fashioned with convenience at heart offering you someplace comfortable stay and curl up while enjoying the truly amazing within the air open. Made out of top-quality wrought iron this workbench chair is developed to final and withstand elements outside.


The look with this particular workbench Tangxiaoer chair is easy and simple elegant which makes it easy to squeeze into any décor outside. It comes with a design classic sturdy armrests and a backrest curved gives exceptional straight back help. The chair could be contoured to match your human anatomy offering you convenience maximum.


The Tangxiaoer Outdoor Wrought Iron Patio Bench Park Chair is great for utilized in many different areas outside. With the perfect spot to stay and curl up whether you will require sitting for the yard patio deck or pool area this workbench chair provides you. It could additionally be employed in public places areas such as areas and playgrounds.


This workbench chair is not difficult to construct and is sold with the hardware important tools. Its meant to be durable and low-maintenance requiring very upkeep this is short amount of time. This will make it an investment excellent whoever wants to enjoy their back yard and never have to bother about upkeep.


The Tangxiaoer Outdoor Wrought Iron Patio Bench Park Chair can be built to be weather-resistant. It is powder-coated to stop rust and corrosion and it'll withstand conditions extreme climate harsh. What this means is outside all year-round without fretting about it being harmed by the weather current possible keep it.


The Tangxiaoer Outdoor Wrought Iron Patio Bench Park Chair is unquestionably a choice anybody great wants to include comfortable sitting along with their yard. Its durable an easy task to construct and built to be weather-resistant. Its design classic additionally to ensure that it will be in a position to participate in any décor outside perfect for whoever wishes their back yard to look great. Provide your area outside an update because of the Tangxiaoer Outdoor Wrought Iron Patio Bench Park Chair.


product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-55

product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-56

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Oleme spetsialiseerunud teras- ja puitkonstruktsiooniga prügikastide tootmisele, roostevabast terasest tooted, prügimajad, vabaaja toolid, prügiautod jne. Võime vastu võtta ka kohandatud tooteid vastavalt teie eelistustele. Siiani on meil 15-aastane kogemus tootmises, mis toetab OEM-i / ODM-i kohandamist. Meie tooteid eksporditakse Ameerika Ühendriikidesse, Saksamaale, Itaaliasse, Suurbritanniasse, Prantsusmaale, Jaapanisse, Austraaliasse, Lõuna-Koreasse, Kagu-Aasiasse ning teistesse riikidesse ja piirkondadesse. Alates ettevõtte asutamisest oleme pühendunud oma toodete kvaliteedi parandamisele ja püüdleme pidevalt tipptaseme poole. Lisaks sellele uuendavad ja arenevad meie enda tehased pidevalt ning oleme pühendunud iga kliendi rahulolule.
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-57
Nagu pilt
120 / 150 / 180CM
10 Komplektid
Standardne ekspordiparkla
L / C, T / T
Park, aed, bussijaam, kaubandustänav, kaubanduskeskus ja nii edasi
Pinnapealne, eraldiseisev, sisseehitatud
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-58

product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-59

product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-60
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-61
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-62
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-63
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-64
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-65
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-66
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-67
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-68
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-69
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-70
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-71
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-72
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-73
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-74
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-75
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-76
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-77
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-78
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-79
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-80
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-81
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-82

Q1: kas olete tehas või kaupleja? Oleme professionaalne kodu &aianduse tootmine + müügitehas

Q2: Kuidas tagada toodete kvaliteet? 

Meil on oma kvaliteedikontrolli meeskond, kes kontrollib enne laadimist kõigi klientide tellimuste toodete kvaliteeti. 

3. küsimus: kui kaua võtab päikeseruumide paigaldamine aega? 

Oleneb oskustest, abist ja töövahenditest, tavaliselt teevad 2 m² paigalduse ühe päevaga 3-50 töölist. 

Q4: kas päikesetuba on vihmakindel? 

Jah, tavapäraste ilmastikutingimuste, isegi tugeva vihmaga, päikesesaalid vihma ei lase

K5: Kas päikeseruume saab kasutada mere ääres? 

Kõik tarvikud alumiiniumisulamist, roostevabast terasest ja messingist, et vältida roostet ja korrosiooni. 

Q6: Kuidas me äri teeme? 

Hoolitsege oma toodete eest ja teenindage oma vajadusi. 

Võtke meiega ühendust e-posti või telefoni teel. 

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