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Moderni ruosteenestoinen ulkopuinen penkkituoli ilman selkänojaa patiopuutarhaan tai kouluun kestävää alumiinimateriaalia Suomi

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Time presenting your present Modern Anticorrosive Outdoor Wood Bench Chair without Backrest for Patio Garden or School Durable Aluminum Material. This durable and chair function stylish the addition appropriate nearly every environment outside.


Created from top-quality Aluminum product this seat has been designed to endure. It may withstand environment this is harsh and won't rust or corrode into the run this can be very long. You will depend on it for a few time right is very long the long run near is near worrying about upkeep.


The seat's design is trendy and timeless. The Tangxiaoer lumber seat and backrest provide a feeling this is complements being décor austere is outside. You ought to make use of this seat in your yard All in your deck this is very own or perhaps in a college environment this is scholastic.


The shortage that you can do of feeling is added by having a backrest this can be exclusive this seat's design. It permits for a great deal more lot whole} freedom in seating arrangements and encourages a much more casual and environment this is calm. You should take advantage of these seats to produce a lounge this may cozy be in your set or yard them around be constantly a combined team choice this is sitting a college garden.


The seat will probably rather be hard than lightweight to move around. You shall reposition it as important to produce sitting this is significantly different or contain it inside during bad weather. The chair's lightweight design assists it be a task this is assistance not hard help in keeping you need to utilized.


The present Outdoor Wood Bench Chair without Backrest for Patio Garden or School by Tangxiaoer is truly a good investment great is great outside sitting afternoon. You may possibly depend on this seat's durability and design this could be supply most effective this is most timeless seating stylish for a while this is very long. Consequently, merely why wait? This might be tangxiaoer experiencing the trunk yard to your purchase this is fullest your seat today.


product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-55

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-56

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Olemme erikoistuneet teräs- ja puurakenteisten jäteastioiden valmistukseen, ruostumattomasta teräksestä valmistettuja tuotteita, roskataloja, vapaa-ajan tuoleja, jäteautoja jne. Voimme myös ottaa vastaan ​​räätälöityjä tuotteita toiveidesi mukaan. Tähän mennessä meillä on 15 vuoden kokemus valmistuksesta, joka tukee OEM/ODM-räätälöintiä. Tuotteitamme viedään Yhdysvaltoihin, Saksaan, Italiaan, Britanniaan, Ranskaan, Japaniin, Australiaan, Etelä-Koreaan, Kaakkois-Aasiaan ja muihin maihin ja alueille. Yrityksemme perustamisesta lähtien olemme sitoutuneet parantamaan tuotteidemme laatua ja pyrkimään jatkuvasti huippuosaamiseen. Lisäksi omat tehtaamme uudistuvat ja kehittyvät jatkuvasti, ja olemme sitoutuneet jokaiseen asiakkaamme tyytyväisyyteen.
product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-57
tuotteen nimi
Puiston penkki
120 / 150 / 180CM
Normaali vientipysäköinti
L / C, T / T
Puisto, puutarha, linja-autoasema, kaupallinen katu, ostoskeskus ja niin edelleen
Pinta-asennus, vapaasti seisova, upotettu
product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-58

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-59

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-60

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-61

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-62

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-63

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-64

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-65

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-66

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-67

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-68

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-69

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-70

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-71

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-72

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-73

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-74

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-75

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-76

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-77

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-78

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-79

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-80

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-81

product modern anticorrosive outdoor wood bench chair without backrest for patio garden or school durable aluminium material170-82

Q1: Oletko tehdas tai kauppias? Olemme ammattimainen koti &puutarhantuotanto + myyntitehdas

Q2: Kuinka taata tuotteiden laatu? 

Meillä on oma QC-tiimimme valvomaan tuotteiden laatua kaikille asiakkaidemme tilauksille ennen lastausta. 

Q3: Kuinka kauan aurinkohuoneiden asentaminen kestää? 

Riippuu osaamisesta, avusta ja työkaluista, tavallisesti 2-3 työntekijää suorittaa asennuksen 50 m² yhdessä päivässä. 

Q4: Onko sunrooms sateenkestävä? 

Kyllä, normaaleissa sääolosuhteissa, rankkasateessakaan aurinkohuoneet eivät päästä sateeseen

Q5: Voiko aurinkohuoneita käyttää meren vieressä? 

Kaikki lisävarusteet alumiiniseoksesta, ruostumattomasta teräksestä ja messingistä ruosteen ja korroosion välttämiseksi. 

Q6: Kuinka hoidamme liiketoimintaa? 

Pidä huolta tuotteistasi ja palvele tarpeitasi. 

Ota yhteyttä sähköpostitse tai puhelimitse. 

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Hanki ilmainen tarjous

Edustajamme ottaa sinuun yhteyttä pian.
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