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Modern Outdoor Garden Bench Chairs Anti-Corrosive Plastic Wood and Iron Long Patio Suomi

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Releasing the this will be Modern all-new Garden Chairs ideal for adding only a design this is Bit is contemporary your patio or garden. Crafted from top-notch synthetic this is anti-corrosive and iron materials this workbench chair is fairly durable and can withstand most likely the harshest of environment conditions ensuring it is still searching perfect for a period very long the word this is very long.


One of several top popular features of this workbench chair is its low-to-zero maintenance requirements; without the need for sealing staining or artwork it is rather a task keep n't hard its most readily useful. and as a total result associated with properties being anti-corrosive with materials used it's not necessary Tangxiaoer to worry about rust or other kinds of corrosion destroying the chair's appearance.


The sleek and design contemporary this Tangxiaoer Modern Outdoor Garden Bench Chairs assists it is an addition this is great virtually every area contemporary is outside. Its clean lines and kind this is complement this is garden straightforward patio décor even though selection of materials provides it a fashionable and look this might be advanced. In addition to this the chair's long measurements are perfect for sitting visitors being many causing the a mixture this is great socializing or out-of-doors relaxing relatives and buddies.


The Tangxiaoer Modern Outdoor Garden Bench Chairs has you covered whether or perhaps not you are looking for a location to relish your morning hours coffee read tips helpful or just simply just eat environmental surroundings this is brand new. Its comfortable sitting and construction this is sturdy it a spot this is investing amazing out-of-doors alongside its anti-corrosive properties ensure that it's going to stay searching suitable for a celebration this is very long.


Therefore, simply why wait? This is modern purchase your Tangxiaoer Modern Outdoor Garden Bench Chairs today and commence that great right sitting this is outside that combines design and durability in one sleek and package. composed of artificial timber anti-corrosive construction you'll be guaranteed that this chair is just a dependable and addition this is enduring your garden. Place in an impression of beauty to your patio or yard and produce the oasis this is ideal is outside the Tangxiaoer Modern Outdoor Garden Bench Chairs.


product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-55

product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-56

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Olemme erikoistuneet teräs- ja puurakenteisten jäteastioiden valmistukseen, ruostumattomasta teräksestä valmistettuja tuotteita, roskataloja, vapaa-ajan tuoleja, jäteautoja jne. Voimme myös ottaa vastaan ​​räätälöityjä tuotteita toiveidesi mukaan. Tähän mennessä meillä on 15 vuoden kokemus valmistuksesta, joka tukee OEM/ODM-räätälöintiä. Tuotteitamme viedään Yhdysvaltoihin, Saksaan, Italiaan, Britanniaan, Ranskaan, Japaniin, Australiaan, Etelä-Koreaan, Kaakkois-Aasiaan ja muihin maihin ja alueille. Yrityksemme perustamisesta lähtien olemme sitoutuneet parantamaan tuotteidemme laatua ja pyrkimään jatkuvasti huippuosaamiseen. Lisäksi omat tehtaamme uudistuvat ja kehittyvät jatkuvasti, ja olemme sitoutuneet jokaiseen asiakkaamme tyytyväisyyteen.
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-57
tuotteen nimi
Puiston tuoli
120 / 150 / 180CM
Normaali vientipysäköinti
L / C, T / T
Puisto, puutarha, linja-autoasema, kaupallinen katu, ostoskeskus ja niin edelleen
Pinta-asennus, vapaasti seisova, upotettu
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-58
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-59
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-60
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-61
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-62
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-63
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-64
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-65
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-66
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-67
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-68
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-69
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-70
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-71
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-72
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-73
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-74
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-75
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-76
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-77
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-78
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-79
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-80
product modern outdoor garden bench chairs anti corrosive plastic wood and iron long patio-81

Q1: Oletko tehdas tai kauppias? Olemme ammattimainen koti &puutarhantuotanto + myyntitehdas

Q2: Kuinka taata tuotteiden laatu? 

Meillä on oma QC-tiimimme valvomaan tuotteiden laatua kaikille asiakkaidemme tilauksille ennen lastausta. 

Q3: Kuinka kauan aurinkohuoneiden asentaminen kestää? 

Riippuu osaamisesta, avusta ja työkaluista, tavallisesti 2-3 työntekijää suorittaa asennuksen 50 m² yhdessä päivässä. 

Q4: Onko sunrooms sateenkestävä? 

Kyllä, normaaleissa sääolosuhteissa, rankkasateessakaan aurinkohuoneet eivät päästä sateeseen

Q5: Voiko aurinkohuoneita käyttää meren vieressä? 

Kaikki lisävarusteet alumiiniseoksesta, ruostumattomasta teräksestä ja messingistä ruosteen ja korroosion välttämiseksi. 

Q6: Kuinka hoidamme liiketoimintaa? 

Pidä huolta tuotteistasi ja palvele tarpeitasi. 

Ota yhteyttä sähköpostitse tai puhelimitse. 

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Hanki ilmainen tarjous

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