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Takorautainen ulkopuiston penkki Tyylikkäät patiokalusteet mukavuuteen ja kestävyyteen Suomi

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Then a Wrought Iron Outdoor Park Bench Stylish Patio Furniture for Comfort and Durability will probably wow you if you are searching for a fashionable and park durable that will offer convenience.


This patio and garden piece of furniture is perfect for outside areas and gardens. It is made of top-quality wrought iron letting it withstand the elements outside wind and rainfall. This Tangxiaoer can allow it to be an alternative solution this is great places with a higher traffic and harsh climate.


The Tangxiaoer Wrought Iron Outdoor Park Bench is sold with a trendy and rustic design that may fit completely in any environment outside. It features a sleek and search this is modern's not only appealing but in addition advanced rendering it a fantastic addition to your patio deck or yard. Sitting you that perfect view you've been seeking while supplying the necessary convenience about it's going to provide.


At 400 terms we can't forget to express the durability with this particular item. This is the workbench if you are in search of durable garden furniture for you personally. It is followed security this is rigorous in order to make durability are at its most readily useful. Maybe you are be confident that here is the item ultimate can withstand the test associated with the time and gives multiple a long period of convenience.


The workbench is easy to collect it together and that means you will not require to be concerned about breaking a perspiration or employing someone to place. It may be carried out by you straight away. Additionally, it is easy to clean it searching as effectual as completely new without much hassle so that.


product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-55

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-56

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Olemme erikoistuneet teräs- ja puurakenteisten jäteastioiden valmistukseen, ruostumattomasta teräksestä valmistettuja tuotteita, roskataloja, vapaa-ajan tuoleja, jäteautoja jne. Voimme myös ottaa vastaan ​​räätälöityjä tuotteita toiveidesi mukaan. Tähän mennessä meillä on 15 vuoden kokemus valmistuksesta, joka tukee OEM/ODM-räätälöintiä. Tuotteitamme viedään Yhdysvaltoihin, Saksaan, Italiaan, Britanniaan, Ranskaan, Japaniin, Australiaan, Etelä-Koreaan, Kaakkois-Aasiaan ja muihin maihin ja alueille. Yrityksemme perustamisesta lähtien olemme sitoutuneet parantamaan tuotteidemme laatua ja pyrkimään jatkuvasti huippuosaamiseen. Lisäksi omat tehtaamme uudistuvat ja kehittyvät jatkuvasti, ja olemme sitoutuneet jokaiseen asiakkaamme tyytyväisyyteen.
product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-57
tuotteen nimi
Puiston penkki
120 / 150 / 180CM
Normaali vientipysäköinti
L / C, T / T
Puisto, puutarha, linja-autoasema, kaupallinen katu, ostoskeskus ja niin edelleen
Pinta-asennus, vapaasti seisova, upotettu
product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-58

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-59

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-60

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-61

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-62

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-63

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-64

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-65

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-66

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-67

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-68

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-69

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-70

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-71

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-72

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-73

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-74

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-75

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-76

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-77

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-78

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-79

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-80

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-81

product wrought iron outdoor park bench stylish patio furniture for comfort and durability-82

Q1: Oletko tehdas tai kauppias? Olemme ammattimainen koti &puutarhantuotanto + myyntitehdas

Q2: Kuinka taata tuotteiden laatu? 

Meillä on oma QC-tiimimme valvomaan tuotteiden laatua kaikille asiakkaidemme tilauksille ennen lastausta. 

Q3: Kuinka kauan aurinkohuoneiden asentaminen kestää? 

Riippuu osaamisesta, avusta ja työkaluista, tavallisesti 2-3 työntekijää suorittaa asennuksen 50 m² yhdessä päivässä. 

Q4: Onko sunrooms sateenkestävä? 

Kyllä, normaaleissa sääolosuhteissa, rankkasateessakaan aurinkohuoneet eivät päästä sateeseen

Q5: Voiko aurinkohuoneita käyttää meren vieressä? 

Kaikki lisävarusteet alumiiniseoksesta, ruostumattomasta teräksestä ja messingistä ruosteen ja korroosion välttämiseksi. 

Q6: Kuinka hoidamme liiketoimintaa? 

Pidä huolta tuotteistasi ja palvele tarpeitasi. 

Ota yhteyttä sähköpostitse tai puhelimitse. 

Hanki ilmainen tarjous

Edustajamme ottaa sinuun yhteyttä pian.
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Hanki ilmainen tarjous

Edustajamme ottaa sinuun yhteyttä pian.
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