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anti-corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats

  • Lýsing
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Purchasing a durable stylish and chair sensible is outside will stay the test of that time period? Look no further contrasted to timber chair anti-corrosive this is outside. Created imagination using mind anti-corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats this workbench this is original not only one but two comfortable seats ideal for relaxing insurance coverage companies a pal household members user or that someone unique a summer months’ time this will be hot.


Made of top-notch anti-corrosive timber this park chair workbench has been created to withstand perhaps one of the most challenging of environment from scorching sunlight to harsh rain snowfall and wind. Its sturdy construction guarantees it a variety excellent guy typical girl areas individual gardens outside cafes and other outside areas to ensure that it's going to continue being stable and safe for a long period in the future making.


But this workbench is not just durable – it is supremely fashionable and comfortable. The Tangxiaoer two seats are created to supply area this is enough a couple of often stay various with curved backs and seats that adhere to one's body for optimum convenience. The lumber includes a color breathtaking is unquestionably normal grain finished insurance coverage organizations a protective finish that improves its beauty while maintaining it searching perfect for a period of time this is very long.


The style with this particular workbench specific is specific modern and timeless making it a variety this is good any environment this is outside from austere gardens to sleek urban spaces. It is fairly simple to wash and maintain requiring simply occasional wiping down having a textile this will be wet continue it showing up like new.


The Tangxiaoer timber park workbench anti-corrosive an eco-friendly choice along with its many practical benefits. The lumber contained in its construction is sustainably sourced and harvested rendering it an option this is anyone who is great would like to reduce their impact this is environmental which techniques sustainable.

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-55

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-56

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Við sérhæfum okkur í að sérhæfa okkur í framleiðslu á ruslatunnum úr stáli og viðarbyggingum, ryðfríu stáli vörur, sorp hús, tómstunda stólar, sorp vörubíla og o.fl. Við getum líka samþykkt sérsniðnar vörur samkvæmt óskum þínum. Hingað til höfum við 15 ára reynslu í framleiðslu, sem styður OEM / ODM aðlögun. Vörur okkar eru fluttar út til Bandaríkjanna, Þýskalands, Ítalíu, Bretlands, Frakklands, Japan, Ástralíu, Suður-Kóreu, Suðaustur-Asíu og annarra landa og svæða. Frá stofnun fyrirtækisins höfum við verið staðráðin í að bæta gæði vöru okkar og stöðugt leitast við að ná framúrskarandi gæðum. Þar að auki eru okkar eigin verksmiðjur stöðugt nýsköpun og framfarir og við erum staðráðin í að fullnægja hverjum og einum viðskiptavina okkar.
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-57
vöru Nafn
Járn / ál / gegnheilum við / PS / PVC
Sem mynd
120 / 150 / 180CM
10 Leikmynd
Venjulegt útflutningsbílastæði
L / C, T / T
Garður, garður, strætóstöð, verslunargata, verslunarmiðstöð og svo framvegis
Yfirborðsfestur, frístandandi, innfelldur
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-58

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-59

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-60

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-61

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-62

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-63

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-64

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-65

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-66

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-67

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-68

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-69

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-70

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-71

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-72

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-73

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-74

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-75

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-76

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-77

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-78

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-79

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-80

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-81

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats707-82

Q1: Ert þú framleiðandi

A: Já, við erum framleiðandinn og við höfum sérhæft okkur í húsgögnum í 15 ár. Við höfum verksmiðju og söluskrifstofu. Við getum útvegað góða vöru og besta verðið

Q2: Hverjar eru helstu vörur þínar

A: Skrifstofuhúsgögn (útibekkur / úti bárujárns blómakassi / Garðsborð og stólar / ruslatunnu utandyra) 

Q3: Hvað með greiðsluna

A: Við tökum við T/T, L/C. o.s.frv

Q4: Hversu langur er afhendingartími þinn

A: Það fer eftir ýmsum vörum, það getur verið frá 15 til 30 dagar, nákvæmur afhendingartími verður tilgreindur í proforma reikningnum þegar pöntunin hefur verið staðfest

Q5: Hvernig get ég fengið tilvitnun og gert pöntun

A: Láttu bara starfsfólk okkar vörunúmer (eða tengil) vita um hlutina sem þú hefur áhuga á og við munum útbúa nákvæma tilvitnun fyrir þig. Proforma reikningur verður gefinn út þegar pöntun hefur verið staðfest og framleiðsla hefst þegar fyrirframgreiðslu er lokið

Fáðu ókeypis tilboð

Fulltrúi okkar mun hafa samband við þig fljótlega.
Nafn fyrirtækis

Fáðu ókeypis tilboð

Fulltrúi okkar mun hafa samband við þig fljótlega.
Nafn fyrirtækis