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PS Wood

Ryðvarnarviður og gegnheilur viður Hágæða og endingargóð útigarðsstólabekkur án bakstoðar

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Presenting the Tangxiaoer anti-corrosive wood and solid wood high-quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest  the sitting this can be really best that is outside this is really top-notch, durable and perfect for any park or garden environment. 

This seat workbench includes a design this will be combinations being solidity that is definitely exclusive anti-corrosive properties, making this a investment that is enduring outside sitting. It truly is made from top-quality lumber this is actually anti-corrosive is weather-resistant, ensuring it's still strong and sturdy for a while that is extremely long the word this is certainly very long. The timber framework further reinforces the workbench, offering a more construction this can be really robust. 

This park chair workbench has appeal that is ageless will mix seamlessly with any environment that is outside its simple yet design this is certainly modern. Oahu will be the Tangxiaoer solution this is actually areas which are definitely gardens that are perfect along with other outside areas, supplying an sitting this is certainly appropriate for all to relish. 

The workbench ordinarily incredibly really easy to hold, being a outcome that is total of properties that will be weather-resistant. You're going to be guaranteed that despite having promotion this is certainly regular is outside you'll not be fighting rust, corrosion or virtually any damage this is actually weather-related. Simply wipe it along side a material this is really moist to place on it looking its best. 

The Tangxiaoer anti-corrosive Wood and Wood that is Park that is solid Bench be extremely rather easy so as to make, while using the gear that is present is very important to your package. You'll have it and ready rapidly almost certainly, making it an solution that is ideal who does really like a sitting that is hassle-free that is outside. 

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-55

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-56

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Við sérhæfum okkur í að sérhæfa okkur í framleiðslu á ruslatunnum úr stáli og viðarbyggingum, ryðfríu stáli vörur, sorp hús, tómstunda stólar, sorp vörubíla og o.fl. Við getum líka samþykkt sérsniðnar vörur samkvæmt óskum þínum. Hingað til höfum við 15 ára reynslu í framleiðslu, sem styður OEM / ODM aðlögun. Vörur okkar eru fluttar út til Bandaríkjanna, Þýskalands, Ítalíu, Bretlands, Frakklands, Japan, Ástralíu, Suður-Kóreu, Suðaustur-Asíu og annarra landa og svæða. Frá stofnun fyrirtækisins höfum við verið staðráðin í að bæta gæði vöru okkar og stöðugt leitast við að ná framúrskarandi gæðum. Þar að auki eru okkar eigin verksmiðjur stöðugt nýsköpun og framfarir og við erum staðráðin í að fullnægja hverjum og einum viðskiptavina okkar. 
product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-57
vöru Nafn
Park stóll
Járn / ál / gegnheilum við / PS / PVC
Sem mynd
120 / 150 / 180CM
10 Leikmynd
Venjulegt útflutningsbílastæði
L / C, T / T
Garður, garður, strætóstöð, verslunargata, verslunarmiðstöð og svo framvegis
Yfirborðsfestur, frístandandi, innfelldur
product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-58

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-59

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-60

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-61

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-62

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-63

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-64

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-65

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-66

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-67

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-68

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-69

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-70

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-71

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-72

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-73

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-74

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-75

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-76

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-77

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-78

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-79

product anticorrosive wood and solid wood high quality and durable outdoor park chair bench without backrest-80

Q1: Ertu framleiðandi? 

A: Já, við erum framleiðandinn og við höfum sérhæft okkur í húsgögnum í 15 ár. Við höfum verksmiðju og söluskrifstofu. Við getum útvegað góða vöru og besta verðið

Q2: Hver eru helstu vörur þínar? 

A: Skrifstofuhúsgögn (útibekkur / úti bárujárns blómakassi / Garðsborð og stólar / ruslatunnu utandyra

Spurning 3: Hvað með greiðsluna? 

A: Við tökum við T / T, L / C osfrv

Q4: Hversu lengi er afhendingartími þinn? 

A: Það fer eftir ýmsum vörum, það getur verið frá 15 til 30 dagar, nákvæmur afhendingartími verður tilgreindur í proforma reikningnum þegar pöntunin hefur verið staðfest

Q5: Hvernig get ég fengið tilvitnun og gert pöntun

A: Láttu einfaldlega starfsfólk okkar vörunúmer (eða tengil) vita um hlutina sem þú hefur áhuga á og við munum útbúa nákvæma tilvitnun fyrir þig. Proforma reikningur verður gefinn út þegar pöntun hefur verið staðfest og framleiðsla hefst þegar fyrirframgreiðslu er lokið. 

Fáðu ókeypis tilboð

Fulltrúi okkar mun hafa samband við þig fljótlega.
Nafn fyrirtækis

Fáðu ókeypis tilboð

Fulltrúi okkar mun hafa samband við þig fljótlega.
Nafn fyrirtækis