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The quality this is great Aluminum Park Bench with Backrest could be the sitting perfect is outside for gardens areas and typical man or woman areas. Designed with quality this is aluminum premium this workbench is durable sturdy and intensely resistant to weather corrosion and make use of rendering it perfect for utilized in all conditions environmental.
This workbench fits any design outside adds yet another charm to your surroundings featuring its elegant and design this is trendy. The backrest provides assistance this is convenience adequate Tangxiaoer allowing you to remain effortlessly during long stretches although the roomy seat can quickly accommodate around three people.
The Tangxiaoer Cast Aluminum Park Bench usually a task this is simple install and keep. The looks this is lightweight it easy to go this implies finish powder-coated therefore it continues to be looking like new for a while number of years goes on.
The construction procedure is simple and straightforward alongside gear this is guidelines being important within the package. It is super easy to create the workbench most of the way through to your private very own without prerequisite for every assistance specialized.
The workbench's cast aluminum construction helps it be a task simple clean with only a textile this is moist to eradicate any grime or dirt. This product may be resistant to diminishing UV protected making the workbench keeps its color and finish with extensive experience of sunlight.
The Tangxiaoer quality this is top Aluminum Park Bench with Backrest carries a price this might be reasonable rendering it a bang great your cash. The company furthermore provides an assurance ensuring you can acquire with confidence and convenience of mind.
The Tangxiaoer quality top Aluminum Park Bench with Backrest is an option wonderful think about if you are trying to find a top-notch and sturdy outside sitting solution. This workbench pays to for almost any garden specific to give you years of dependable use featuring its sturdy construction elegant design and price affordable.
vöru Nafn |
Garðabekkur |
Brand |
Tangxiaoer |
efni |
Járn / ál / gegnheilum við / PS / PVC |
Litur |
Sem mynd |
Size |
120 / 150 / 180CM |
10 Leikmynd |
Bílastæði |
Venjulegt útflutningsbílastæði |
Greiðsluskilmálar |
L / C, T / T |
Notkun |
Garður, garður, strætóstöð, verslunargata, verslunarmiðstöð og svo framvegis |
uppsetning |
Yfirborðsfestur, frístandandi, innfelldur |
Q1: Ertu verksmiðja eða kaupmaður? Við erum fagleg heimilis- og garðyrkjuframleiðsla + söluverksmiðja
Q2: Hvernig á að tryggja gæði vörunnar?
Við höfum okkar eigið QC teymi til að stjórna gæðum vörunnar fyrir pantanir allra viðskiptavina okkar fyrir hleðslu.
Q3: Hversu langan tíma tekur það að setja upp sólstofur?
Það fer eftir færni, hjálp og verkfærum, venjulega munu 2-3 starfsmenn klára uppsetninguna 50 m² á einum degi.
Spurning 4: Er sólstofurnar rigningarheldar?
Já, eðlileg veðurskilyrði, jafnvel mikil rigning, sólstofur hleypa ekki inn rigningu
Spurning 5: Er hægt að nota sólstofur við hliðina á sjónum?
Allur fylgihlutur úr ál, ryðfríu stáli og kopar til að forðast ryð og tæringu.
Q6: Hvernig eigum við viðskipti?
Sjáðu um vörur þínar og þjóna þínum þörfum.
Hafðu samband með tölvupósti eða í síma.