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The top quality High-Quality Outdoor Metal Bench Garden Park Chair with Environmental Protection Plastic Wood Wave Shape could be the perfect addition to just about any room outside. This technique is an excellent option whether you're to locate a suitable spot to curl up inside the yard and on occasion even a sturdy workbench when it comes to regional park.
The workbench includes a wave this is design sleek adds only a Bit beauty and design to your environments. The Tangxiaoer steel framework is sturdy and sturdy making the workbench can withstand the usage and weather this is hefty. The security this is lumber ecological for the chair and backrest not merely appears great it is additionally weather-resistant and easy to clean.
The construction this is durable of workbench helps you to make sure it will endure for a relatively good right time with just minimal maintenance. The steel framework is covered by having a layer this is stops protective and corrosion since the lumber chair and backrest are resistant to diminishing breaking and splintering. Which means that the workbench could possibly be left outside for the without worrying about it deteriorating or losing its appealing look one year.
The workbench may be made with convenience in mind. The chair curved backrest provide ergonomic help and encourage good position making it perfect for extensive sitting durations. the workbench is generously sized supplying seating this is sufficient for 2 or maybe more individuals.
The Tangxiaoer good quality Outdoor Metal Bench Garden Park Chair with Environmental Protection Plastic Wood Wave Shape is not difficult to collect and comes with the hardware this is directions important. It might be quickly assembled and you'll enjoy your sitting brand room new virtually no time.
vöru Nafn |
Park stóll |
Brand |
Tangxiaoer |
efni |
Járn / ál / gegnheilum við / PS / PVC |
Litur |
Sem mynd |
Size |
120 / 150 / 180CM |
10 Leikmynd |
Bílastæði |
Venjulegt útflutningsbílastæði |
Greiðsluskilmálar |
L / C, T / T |
Notkun |
Garður, garður, strætóstöð, verslunargata, verslunarmiðstöð og svo framvegis |
uppsetning |
Yfirborðsfestur, frístandandi, innfelldur |
Q1: Ertu verksmiðja eða kaupmaður? Við erum fagleg heimilis- og garðyrkjuframleiðsla + söluverksmiðja
Q2: Hvernig á að tryggja gæði vörunnar?
Við höfum okkar eigið QC teymi til að stjórna gæðum vörunnar fyrir pantanir allra viðskiptavina okkar fyrir hleðslu.
Q3: Hversu langan tíma tekur það að setja upp sólstofur?
Það fer eftir færni, hjálp og verkfærum, venjulega munu 2-3 starfsmenn klára uppsetninguna 50 m² á einum degi.
Spurning 4: Er sólstofurnar rigningarheldar?
Já, eðlileg veðurskilyrði, jafnvel mikil rigning, sólstofur hleypa ekki inn rigningu
Spurning 5: Er hægt að nota sólstofur við hliðina á sjónum?
Allur fylgihlutur úr ál, ryðfríu stáli og kopar til að forðast ryð og tæringu.
Q6: Hvernig eigum við viðskipti?
Sjáðu um vörur þínar og þjóna þínum þörfum.
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