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Presenting the Outdoor Park Chair the addition true your patio. or garden made with lumber this is artificial anti-corrosive and bamboo timber this seat leisure created to withstand all weather causing the durable and enduring. This chair provides you with the convenience you shall need whether you are relaxing inside the sunshine or enjoying an incredibly breeze great.
The chair design features a backrest this is help convenient is give is optimal minimize force on your own straight back. The Tangxiaoer backrest design improves the chair's appearance which makes it an addition this is great your outside décor. A balcony or simply just a garden featuring its design this is quite that trendy it is well suited for any backyard be it a park.
The park outside is generated by having something top-notch is resistant to corrosion and decay ensuring you very long such that it persists. The timber this is anti-corrosive in particular is famous for the capability to withstand mention of outside elements that means it is a choice this is great furniture outside. Additionally the plastic and bamboo timber materials trigger the chair lightweight exceptionally resistant to dampness and insects and easy to keep.
The Tangxiaoer Outdoor Park Chair is very engineered to supply durability durable a sitting experience it is relaxing. Its design this is makes revolutionary noticed through the watchers and signifies that you shall have the absolute many through the garden. This chair could be the ideal addition whether you will do have patio this is Bit a garden good is big.
This chair outside provides numerous great advantages lumber this is including is synthetic anti-corrosive and bamboo timber materials. and your materials you will trust the Tangxiaoer product to continue for many years in the future. The chair in addition has a backrest design fashionable and comfortable.
the Tangxiaoer Outdoor Park Chair is just a top-quality dependable and option this can be durable your outside seating needs. Its design provides revolutionary is optimal its backrest and trend sleek. This can be considered a must-have in terms of yard or patio that'll be specific to give an experience this is exceptional any environment conditions. Consequently, will be the Tangxiaoer Outdoor Park Chair to your furniture this is collection revel not in the convenience and durability it offers you.
vöru Nafn |
Garðabekkur |
Brand |
Tangxiaoer |
efni |
Járn / ál / gegnheilum við / PS / PVC |
Litur |
Sem mynd |
Size |
120 / 150 / 180CM |
10 Leikmynd |
Bílastæði |
Venjulegt útflutningsbílastæði |
Greiðsluskilmálar |
L / C, T / T |
Notkun |
Garður, garður, strætóstöð, verslunargata, verslunarmiðstöð og svo framvegis |
uppsetning |
Yfirborðsfestur, frístandandi, innfelldur |
Q1: Ertu verksmiðja eða kaupmaður? Við erum fagleg heimilis- og garðyrkjuframleiðsla + söluverksmiðja
Q2: Hvernig á að tryggja gæði vörunnar?
Við höfum okkar eigið QC teymi til að stjórna gæðum vörunnar fyrir pantanir allra viðskiptavina okkar fyrir hleðslu.
Q3: Hversu langan tíma tekur það að setja upp sólstofur?
Það fer eftir færni, hjálp og verkfærum, venjulega munu 2-3 starfsmenn klára uppsetninguna 50 m² á einum degi.
Spurning 4: Er sólstofurnar rigningarheldar?
Já, eðlileg veðurskilyrði, jafnvel mikil rigning, sólstofur hleypa ekki inn rigningu
Spurning 5: Er hægt að nota sólstofur við hliðina á sjónum?
Allur fylgihlutur úr ál, ryðfríu stáli og kopar til að forðast ryð og tæringu.
Q6: Hvernig eigum við viðskipti?
Sjáðu um vörur þínar og þjóna þínum þörfum.
Hafðu samband með tölvupósti eða í síma.