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Solid bambus tréstóll úti verönd Park stólbekkur án bakstoðar

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The Solid Bamboo Wooden Chair Outdoor Patio Park Chair Bench Without Backrest bamboo solid seat is truly a perfect addition to almost any room outside. Made from top-quality bamboo this seat is strong durable and weather-resistant that makes it well suited for use within areas patios and other areas outside. This seat adds only a Bit natural splendor to virtually any environment having its easy yet design elegant.


This seat is lightweight and simple to move around which makes it ideal for homeowners whom choose to rearrange their areas outside accommodate occasions completely different. Its Tangxiaoer construction durable additionally it can withstand the elements and stay static who is fit for quite some time in the future. The seat's convenience additionally allows you to completely clean and you'll take advantage of a Textile wipe wet straight down after usage.


The Tangxiaoer bamboo this is seat solid a fantastic selection for those who need to flake out outside without the necessity for the backrest. This seat supplies an ordinary and seating this is comfortable that allows one to take comfort in the outside whilst the beauty of your respective environments. Having a comfortable sitting choice whether you wish to stay alone along with your partner or speak to family and friends this seat provides you.


The product bamboo when you look at the Tangxiaoer solid bamboo wood seat helps it is a sustainable and choice eco-friendly. Bamboo is a fast-growing plant with a minimal impact the surroundings whenever harvested rendering it a renewable and product sustainable. Bamboo normally obviously resistant to water insects and UV rays making it perfect for outside usage.


The seat's minimalist design and color basic allow it to be an easy task to set with any décor outside. It is easy to at art exercising. colorful cushions or toss pillows to incorporate some character to your seat or keep it as just is for the greater amount of appearance normal. The Tangxiaoer bamboo seat solid a versatile outdoor sitting choice which you can use in many settings.

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-55

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-56

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Við sérhæfum okkur í að sérhæfa okkur í framleiðslu á ruslatunnum úr stáli og viðarbyggingum, ryðfríu stáli vörur, sorp hús, tómstunda stólar, sorp vörubíla og o.fl. Við getum líka samþykkt sérsniðnar vörur samkvæmt óskum þínum. Hingað til höfum við 15 ára reynslu í framleiðslu, sem styður OEM / ODM aðlögun. Vörur okkar eru fluttar út til Bandaríkjanna, Þýskalands, Ítalíu, Bretlands, Frakklands, Japan, Ástralíu, Suður-Kóreu, Suðaustur-Asíu og annarra landa og svæða. Frá stofnun fyrirtækisins höfum við verið staðráðin í að bæta gæði vöru okkar og stöðugt leitast við að ná framúrskarandi gæðum. Þar að auki eru okkar eigin verksmiðjur stöðugt nýsköpun og framfarir og við erum staðráðin í að fullnægja hverjum og einum viðskiptavina okkar.
product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-57
vöru Nafn
Park stóll
Járn / ál / gegnheilum við / PS / PVC
Sem mynd
120 / 150 / 180CM
10 Leikmynd
Venjulegt útflutningsbílastæði
L / C, T / T
Garður, garður, strætóstöð, verslunargata, verslunarmiðstöð og svo framvegis
Yfirborðsfestur, frístandandi, innfelldur
product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-58

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-59

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-60

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-61

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-62

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-63

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-64

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-65

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-66

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-67

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-68

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-69

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-70

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-71

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-72

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-73

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-74

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-75

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-76

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-77

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-78

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-79

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-80

product solid bamboo wooden chair outdoor patio park chair bench without backrest-81

Q1: Ertu framleiðandi? 

A: Já, við erum framleiðandinn og við höfum sérhæft okkur í húsgögnum í 15 ár. Við höfum verksmiðju og söluskrifstofu. Við getum útvegað góða vöru og besta verðið

Q2: Hver eru helstu vörur þínar? 

A: Skrifstofuhúsgögn (útibekkur / úti bárujárns blómakassi / Garðsborð og stólar / ruslatunnu utandyra

Spurning 3: Hvað með greiðsluna? 

A: Við tökum við T / T, L / C osfrv

Q4: Hversu lengi er afhendingartími þinn? 

A: Það fer eftir ýmsum vörum, það getur verið frá 15 til 30 dagar, nákvæmur afhendingartími verður tilgreindur í proforma reikningnum þegar pöntunin hefur verið staðfest

Q5: Hvernig get ég fengið tilvitnun og gert pöntun

A: Láttu einfaldlega starfsfólk okkar vörunúmer (eða tengil) vita um hlutina sem þú hefur áhuga á og við munum útbúa nákvæma tilvitnun fyrir þig. Proforma reikningur verður gefinn út þegar pöntun hefur verið staðfest og framleiðsla hefst þegar fyrirframgreiðslu er lokið. 

Fáðu ókeypis tilboð

Fulltrúi okkar mun hafa samband við þig fljótlega.
Nafn fyrirtækis

Fáðu ókeypis tilboð

Fulltrúi okkar mun hafa samband við þig fljótlega.
Nafn fyrirtækis