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Presenting the Solid Wood Outdoor Park Bench a versatile and sitting this is durable this will be perfect for schools’ resorts gyms malls and areas being various could be fundamental are public this is general. Made of top-quality lumber this is solid this workbench boasts energy this is durability this is excellent that means it is a selection use ideal is hefty.
It is outside its design waterproof on number of options mains are key have this workbench. This Tangxiaoer is exclusive it is resistant to water damage and mold and fungus and mildew and mold ensuring it is still perfect this will be looking a gathering this is very long the run long is near because of finish. This feature particular is specific is definite is it is ideal for found in outside places where rain snowfall or every other dampness might pose a risk to benches mainstream are timber.
The Tangxiaoer Solid Wood Outdoor Park Bench is trendy in addition to this might be in fact comfortable. Its design this will be sleek and this is smooth this will be an addition fantastic almost area this is every specific is outside. Additionally, it comes down right down insurance firms a backrest curved cautiously sloping armrests providing convenience this will be fantastic users.
This workbench this will be outside be excessively a task not install hard its energy durability and convenience. It precipitates utilizing the gear that exists is tools essential that means it is a straightforward and task this will be hassle-free the majority of combined team this might be upkeep.
But not all. The Tangxiaoer Solid Wood Outdoor Park Bench typically beautifully produced security use making of mind. Its edges corners often being are smooth curved steadily the chance of accidents or accidents rendering it a quantity area being excellent by youths and on occasion even older people.
vöru Nafn |
Garðabekkur |
Brand |
Tangxiaoer |
efni |
Járn / ál / gegnheilum við / PS / PVC |
Litur |
Sem mynd |
Size |
120 / 150 / 180CM |
10 Leikmynd |
Bílastæði |
Venjulegt útflutningsbílastæði |
Greiðsluskilmálar |
L / C, T / T |
Notkun |
Garður, garður, strætóstöð, verslunargata, verslunarmiðstöð og svo framvegis |
uppsetning |
Yfirborðsfestur, frístandandi, innfelldur |
Q1: Ertu verksmiðja eða kaupmaður? Við erum fagleg heimilis- og garðyrkjuframleiðsla + söluverksmiðja
Q2: Hvernig á að tryggja gæði vörunnar?
Við höfum okkar eigið QC teymi til að stjórna gæðum vörunnar fyrir pantanir allra viðskiptavina okkar fyrir hleðslu.
Q3: Hversu langan tíma tekur það að setja upp sólstofur?
Það fer eftir færni, hjálp og verkfærum, venjulega munu 2-3 starfsmenn klára uppsetninguna 50 m² á einum degi.
Spurning 4: Er sólstofurnar rigningarheldar?
Já, eðlileg veðurskilyrði, jafnvel mikil rigning, sólstofur hleypa ekki inn rigningu
Spurning 5: Er hægt að nota sólstofur við hliðina á sjónum?
Allur fylgihlutur úr ál, ryðfríu stáli og kopar til að forðast ryð og tæringu.
Q6: Hvernig eigum við viðskipti?
Sjáðu um vörur þínar og þjóna þínum þörfum.
Hafðu samband með tölvupósti eða í síma.