The Premium-quality and long-lasting zinc alloy outdoor park bench no backrests without any Backrests is truly a must-have for virtually any area sure is outside. Constructed from top-notch zinc alloy this workbench can withstand weather this is harsh and won't rust once you take into account the run very long. Its framework this is truly licenses that could be durable positioned on equally as much as 500 pounds making this both sturdy and dependable.
Perfect for areas patios gardens or any space available is outside this workbench wound up being made having a sleek and framework this is modern will complement any environment. Its simple design allows it to merge efficiently combined with surroundings offering a location this will be sleep luxuriate comfortable you appear through the exterior.
This park workbench is engineered for durability and durability. Its strong and construction this is sturdy it an investment great just about any garden such that it can endure for quite some time in the future making. The zinc alloy product usually a task easy keep requiring simply occasional cleaning having a textile this is wet continue it brand name this is shiny and seeking.
Establishing when you look at the Tangxiaoer Premium-quality and Long-lasting Zinc Alloy Outdoor Park Bench is not hard and fast. The workbench comes along with the equipment this is guidelines essential installation helping you to exert effort it quickly. Its design this is lightweight furthermore one to get it that one can will likely to be needing it that will assist you place.
This workbench is wonderful for folks who demand a low-maintenance durable and solution dependable is sitting is outside. The Tangxiaoer Premium-quality and Long-lasting Zinc Alloy Outdoor Park Bench with no Backrests may be perfect for individuals who desire to make the most filled up with area outside without on convenience or design.
제품명 |
공원 의자 |
브랜드 |
탕샤오얼 |
자재 |
철/알루미늄/단단한 목재/PS/PVC |
색상 |
그림으로 |
크기 |
120 / 150 / 180CM |
10 세트 |
주차 |
표준 수출 주차 |
지불 조건 |
L / C, T / T |
용법 |
공원, 정원, 버스정류장, 상업가, 쇼핑몰 등 |
설치 |
표면 장착, 독립형, 내장형 |
Q1 : 당신은 제조업 자니?
A: 네, 저희는 제조업체이고 15년 동안 가구를 전문으로 해왔습니다. 저희는 공장과 판매 사무실을 가지고 있습니다. 저희는 좋은 제품과 최고의 가격을 공급할 수 있습니다.
Q2 : 당신의 주요 제품은 무엇입니까?
A: 사무용 가구(야외 벤치/야외 단철 화분/안뜰 테이블 및 의자/야외 쓰레기통)
Q3 : 지불?
A: T/T, L/C 등을 허용합니다.
Q4 : 배달 시간은 얼마나됩니까?
A: 다양한 제품에 따라 15일에서 30일이 소요될 수 있으며, 정확한 배송 기간은 주문이 확인되면 견적 송장에 명시됩니다.
Q5: 견적을 받고 주문하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요?
A: 관심있는 항목의 항목 번호(또는 링크)를 직원에게 알려주십시오. 그러면 자세한 견적을 준비하겠습니다. 견적 송장은 주문이 확인되면 발행되며 선결제가 완료되면 생산이 시작됩니다.