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Solid Wood
PS Mediena

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Solid Wood
PS Mediena

Antikorozinės medienos lauko parko kėdžių suoliukas kūrybingas medinis suoliukas su dviem sėdynėmis

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Ar yra problema?
Prašome susisiekti su mumis, kad galėtume jus aptarnauti!




Presenting the Anti-corrosive Wood Outdoor Park Chair Bench an ideal solution sitting almost any area outside. Created using this product quality materials best this innovative lumber workbench is meant to final for a long time to the future. Featuring two comfortable seats it's the addition perfect virtually any park yard or room outside.


The Tangxiaoer Anti-corrosive Wood Outdoor Park Chair Bench is manufactured from premium quality wood that has been addressed by having a finish anti-corrosive protect it through the sun and rain. This means its perfect for use within any the weather and will perhaps not decline with time. The workbench could be resistant to UV rays and therefore it shall perhaps not diminish or lose its color into the run long.


The 2 seats into the workbench are designed for optimum convenience. They are wide sufficient to support individuals of any size the relative sides that could be curved help for the trunk and throat. The Tangxiaoer look can be ergonomically friendly making it is possible to lay from the workbench all night without having any disquiet.


One of many standouts top features of this workbench is its imaginative design. The wood slats are arranged in a pattern appealing that makes it an eye-catching addition to virtually any area outside. It is well suited for incorporating some value visual to a park yard or any location outside.


The workbench normally quite simple to assemble. It comes aided by the hardware this is important is come up with in mins. In addition, it's very a task easy clean and maintain. It may be cleaned straight down having a Textile wet any debris or dirt are swept away with simplicity.


The Tangxiaoer Anti-corrosive Wood Outdoor Park Chair Bench may be the perfect choice you should be buying good quality and durable outside sitting solution for you if. Along with its anti-corrosive finish comfortable chair design and appealing look it is a great selection for any room outside. Plus utilizing the Tangxiaoer brand you will be obtaining an item which was intended to endure behind it you'll be able to rest assured.


product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-55

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-56

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Mes specializuojamės plieninių ir medinių konstrukcijų šiukšliadėžių gamyboje, Nerūdijančio plieno gaminiai, šiukšlių namai, laisvalaikio kėdės, šiukšliavežiai ir tt Mes taip pat galime priimti individualius gaminius pagal jūsų pageidavimus. Iki šiol turime 15 metų patirtį gaminant, palaikome OEM / ODM pritaikymą. Mūsų gaminiai eksportuojami į JAV, Vokietiją, Italiją, Didžiąją Britaniją, Prancūziją, Japoniją, Australiją, Pietų Korėją, Pietryčių Aziją ir kitas šalis bei regionus. Nuo pat įmonės įkūrimo esame įsipareigoję gerinti savo gaminių kokybę ir nuolat siekti tobulumo. Be to, mūsų gamyklos nuolat diegia naujoves ir tobulėja, o mes esame įsipareigoję patenkinti kiekvieną savo klientą.
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-57
produkto pavadinimas
Parko suoliukas
Prekės ženklas
Geležis/aliuminis/medžio masyvas/PS/PVC
Kaip paveikslas
120 / 150 / 180CM
10 rinkiniai
Automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė
Standartinė eksporto automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė
Mokėjimo sąlygos
L / C, T / T
Parkas, sodas, autobusų stotis, komercinė gatvė, prekybos centras ir pan
Montuojamas ant paviršiaus, laisvai pastatomas, įmontuotas
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-58

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-59

product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-60
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-61
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-62
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-63
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-64
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-65
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-66
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-67
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-68
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-69
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-70
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-71
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-72
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-73
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-74
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-75
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-76
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-77
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-78
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-79
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-80
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-81
product anti corrosive wood outdoor park chair bench creative wood bench with two seats-82

Q1: Ar esate gamintojas

A: Taip, mes esame gamintojai ir jau 15 metų specializuojamės baldų gamyboje. Mes turime gamyklą ir pardavimo biurą. Galime tiekti gerus produktus ir geriausią kainą

2 klausimas: kokie yra jūsų pagrindiniai produktai

A: Biuro baldai (lauko suolas / lauko kaltinės gėlių dėžutės / kiemo stalai ir kėdės / lauko šiukšlių dėžė) 

3 klausimas: kaip su mokėjimu

A: Mes priimame T / T, L / C. ir tt

4 klausimas: kiek laiko yra jūsų pristatymo laikas

A: Priklausomai nuo įvairių produktų, tai gali būti nuo 15 iki 30 dienų, tikslus pristatymo laikas bus nurodytas išankstinėje sąskaitoje faktūroje, kai užsakymas bus patvirtintas

5 klausimas: kaip gauti citatą ir padaryti užsakymą

A: Tiesiog praneškite mūsų darbuotojų prekių numerius (arba nuorodas) apie jus dominančias prekes ir mes parengsime jums išsamią citatą. Proforma sąskaita faktūra bus išrašyta, kai bus patvirtintas užsakymas, o gamyba bus pradėta, kai bus atliktas išankstinis mokėjimas

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