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Aukštos kokybės moderni bendruomenės kiemo lauko apvalios medžio kėdės pritaikymo stilius

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Presenting the top-quality community this might be circular this is contemporary is outside chair ideal for anyone whom desires to change their garden with design. This chair was indeed created to offer convenience durability and freedom whether or otherwise not you are entertaining guests or maybe relaxing in your yard.


Crafted with premium materials the Tangxiaoer chair features a round this is framework sturdy will adapt to tree this is significantly different. Its design allows revolutionary suit throughout the trunk of each and every tree offering an addition exclusive your exterior scenery. The chair's customizing style offers you the freedom to truly have the seat's height through a floor besides the backrest angle. Consequently, you'll effortlessly completely tailor it to match your demands.


The Tangxiaoer chair's weather-resistant construction assists it's perfect for any environment. It is made out of top-notch materials that make the chair strong adequate to withstand rain and sun harsh being. The chair's comfortable pillow is manufactured not even close to breathable textile ensuring atmosphere this is exemplary and leisure this will be enhancing.


A visible impact this is contemporary along with the chair's durability and convenience oahu could be the accent this is ideal to give you your garden. The chair shall appear in various colors so that you shall select from black colored green blue or yellowish to fit your outside design. In conclusion brightly is painted an element decorative can make the back garden stand out.


This round this is chair modern a kind this is effortless of site visitors. It is perfect if you are interested in a component very important attractive and an addition this might be great any gathering area. The Tangxiaoer chair's design assimilates well aided as a result of the greenery this is surrounding supplying a chance this is unwind this is fantastic.


the Tangxiaoer top-quality community this might be modern round outside chair is only a must-have for anyone who wants to transform their outside area this is live able. Its resilience convenience and design stylish you the ideal sitting this is outside for property holders who get pleasure from the out-of-doors. Get the Tangxiaoer chair and feel the blend perfect of and design today.

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-55

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-56

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Mes specializuojamės plieninių ir medinių konstrukcijų šiukšliadėžių gamyboje, Nerūdijančio plieno gaminiai, šiukšlių namai, laisvalaikio kėdės, šiukšliavežiai ir tt Mes taip pat galime priimti individualius gaminius pagal jūsų pageidavimus. Iki šiol turime 15 metų patirtį gaminant, palaikome OEM / ODM pritaikymą. Mūsų gaminiai eksportuojami į JAV, Vokietiją, Italiją, Didžiąją Britaniją, Prancūziją, Japoniją, Australiją, Pietų Korėją, Pietryčių Aziją ir kitas šalis bei regionus. Nuo pat įmonės įkūrimo esame įsipareigoję gerinti savo gaminių kokybę ir nuolat siekti tobulumo. Be to, mūsų gamyklos nuolat diegia naujoves ir tobulėja, o mes esame įsipareigoję patenkinti kiekvieną savo klientą.
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-57
produkto pavadinimas
Parko suoliukas
Prekės ženklas
Geležis/aliuminis/medžio masyvas/PS/PVC
Kaip paveikslas
120 / 150 / 180CM
10 rinkiniai
Automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė
Standartinė eksporto automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė
Mokėjimo sąlygos
L / C, T / T
Parkas, sodas, autobusų stotis, komercinė gatvė, prekybos centras ir pan
Montuojamas ant paviršiaus, laisvai pastatomas, įmontuotas
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-58

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-59

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-60

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-61

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-62

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-63

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-64
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-65
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-66
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-67
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-68
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-69
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-70
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-71
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-72
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-73
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-74
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-75
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-76
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-77
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-78
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-79
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-80
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-81
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style-82

Q1: Ar esate gamintojas

A: Taip, mes esame gamintojai ir jau 15 metų specializuojamės baldų gamyboje. Mes turime gamyklą ir pardavimo biurą. Galime tiekti gerus produktus ir geriausią kainą

2 klausimas: kokie yra jūsų pagrindiniai produktai

A: Biuro baldai (lauko suolas / lauko kaltinės gėlių dėžutės / kiemo stalai ir kėdės / lauko šiukšlių dėžė) 

3 klausimas: kaip su mokėjimu

A: We accept T/T, L/C. etc. 

4 klausimas: kiek laiko yra jūsų pristatymo laikas

A: Priklausomai nuo įvairių produktų, tai gali būti nuo 15 iki 30 dienų, tikslus pristatymo laikas bus nurodytas išankstinėje sąskaitoje faktūroje, kai užsakymas bus patvirtintas. 

5 klausimas: kaip gauti citatą ir padaryti užsakymą

A: Tiesiog praneškite mūsų darbuotojų prekių numerius (arba nuorodas) apie jus dominančias prekes ir mes parengsime jums išsamią citatą. Proforma sąskaita faktūra bus išrašyta, kai bus patvirtintas užsakymas, o gamyba bus pradėta, kai bus atliktas išankstinis mokėjimas

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