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Outdoor Park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with backrest

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The Outdoor Park Chair Bench will be the method this is ultimate put in a touch of beauty and design to your yard. Produced from antiseptic timber this workbench was created to withstand all climate making it could continue for years without losing its charm.


This workbench will work for utilized in areas patios gardens or almost any yard you might have insurance firms a distinctive and sturdy design. You covered whether you will need a spot comfortable stay and luxuriate under the sun's rays and sometimes even a trendy seating choice for your yard barbecue the Tangxiaoer Outdoor Park Chair Bench has.


Due to the backrest function this workbench provides help additional convenience for longer usage. It is adequate to easily seat two people different offers a good amount of room for you personally plus your buddies to relax and luxuriate in one another's business.


The Tangxiaoer Outdoor Park Chair Bench is a fantastic addition to just about any back yard having its austere finish and sleek design. The lumber antiseptic with its construction guarantees it an ideal investment for just about any property owner that it's both sturdy and durable making.


Installation can be simple so you won't ever need to employ any expert to create it. With some simple steps you can have your bench this is brand new up prepared to be utilized straight away. The merchandise is comprehensive of all stuff necessary screws and bolts needed for quick and assemble not hard.


By selecting the Tangxiaoer Outdoor Park Chair Bench you not just obtain a seating and trendy practical and an item of furniture this is meant to final. This top-quality workbench is area of the Tangxiaoer brand name understood for creating revolutionary and dependable products well suited for utilized in any outside or room interior.


the Tangxiaoer Outdoor Park Chair Bench is unquestionably a choice this is very anybody good to you can add design and convenience with their back yard. This workbench will please perhaps the many discerning client using its unique design sturdy construction and top-notch quality. So just why wait? Treat on your own to your Tangxiaoer Outdoor Park Chair Bench today and revel in the best sitting experience outside.


product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-55

product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-56

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Mes specializuojamės plieninių ir medinių konstrukcijų šiukšliadėžių gamyboje, Nerūdijančio plieno gaminiai, šiukšlių namai, laisvalaikio kėdės, šiukšliavežiai ir tt Mes taip pat galime priimti individualius gaminius pagal jūsų pageidavimus. Iki šiol turime 15 metų patirtį gaminant, palaikome OEM / ODM pritaikymą. Mūsų gaminiai eksportuojami į JAV, Vokietiją, Italiją, Didžiąją Britaniją, Prancūziją, Japoniją, Australiją, Pietų Korėją, Pietryčių Aziją ir kitas šalis bei regionus. Nuo pat įmonės įkūrimo esame įsipareigoję gerinti savo gaminių kokybę ir nuolat siekti tobulumo. Be to, mūsų gamyklos nuolat diegia naujoves ir tobulėja, o mes esame įsipareigoję patenkinti kiekvieną savo klientą.
product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-57
produkto pavadinimas
Parko suoliukas
Prekės ženklas
Geležis/aliuminis/medžio masyvas/PS/PVC
Kaip paveikslas
120 / 150 / 180CM
10 rinkiniai
Automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė
Standartinė eksporto automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė
Mokėjimo sąlygos
L / C, T / T
Parkas, sodas, autobusų stotis, komercinė gatvė, prekybos centras ir pan
Montuojamas ant paviršiaus, laisvai pastatomas, įmontuotas
product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-58

product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-59

product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-60

product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-61
product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-62
product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-63
product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-64
product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-65
product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-66
product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-67
product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-68
product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-69
product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-70
product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-71
product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-72
product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-73
product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-74
product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-75
product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-76
product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-77
product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-78
product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-79
product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-80
product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-81
product outdoor park chair bench antiseptic wood bench with   backrest-82

Q1: Ar esate gamykla ar prekybininkas? Esame profesionali namų & sodo gamybos + pardavimo gamykla

2 klausimas: kaip užtikrinti produktų kokybę? 

Mes turime savo QC komandą, kuri kontroliuoja visų mūsų klientų užsakymų produktų kokybę prieš pakrovimą. 

3 klausimas: kiek laiko užtrunka saulės kambarių įrengimas? 

Priklauso nuo įgūdžių, pagalbos ir įrankių, paprastai 2 m² per vieną dieną sumontuos 3-50 darbuotojai. 

4 klausimas: ar saulės kambariai yra atsparūs lietui? 

Taip, esant normalioms oro sąlygoms, net ir stipriai lyjant, saulės kambariai neleis lietaus

5 klausimas: ar saulės kambariai gali būti naudojami šalia jūros? 

Visi priedai iš aliuminio lydinio, nerūdijančio plieno ir žalvario, kad būtų išvengta rūdžių ir korozijos. 

6 klausimas: kaip mes užsiimame verslu? 

Rūpinkitės savo gaminiais ir patenkinkite savo poreikius. 

Susisiekite su mumis el.paštu arba telefonu. 

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