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Park chair Outdoor bench Preservative wood lounge chair Bench without backrest

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Fashioned with both looks and function at heart, the Park seat may be the perfect addition to almost any area that is outside. Created from preservative lumber, this lounge seat will work for a afternoon this is certainly sluggish basking into the sunlight, experiencing the new atmosphere and the breathtaking view around you.


The workbench without backrest design offers the freedom of movement, letting you stay, lean or lay out, and completely flake out the human anatomy. Additionally fits completely in every environment this is certainly outside from your own yard towards the regional park or coastline.


The Tangxiaoer Park seat was created to final. Made from high-quality Tangxiaoer preservative timber, it is resistant towards the elements and certainly will withstand the current weather this is certainly harsh of any period. Along with its construction that is seat that is sturdy a maximum fat of 300lbs, guaranteeing its durability.


The chair is broad and comfortable. It might accommodate anybody, irrespective of their size or stature. It boils down unfinished, enabling you the freedom to stain or paint it to check the others of your outside furniture. You can choose from a number of colors and spots, making this versatile to merge or perhaps seen in almost any environment.


The Tangxiaoer Park seat installation is straightforward and simple, using only a mins which may be few complete. It comes with all the hardware that is current is important tools included, therefore you should not shop for additional products. It may be placed it right away by you together and commence enjoying.


This bench that is outside perfect for lounging alone or by having a buddy. It really is great for reading, napping or just experiencing the atmosphere that is sunlight that is fresh. Its lightweight, in a single location to a different, centered on for which you plan to flake out to help you effortlessly go it.


Tangxiaoer is really a brand that is recognized, fabled for its top-quality, affordable furniture that is outside. The Tangxiaoer Park seat isn't any exclusion with regards to their quality this is certainly exemplary and design. It is possible to be confident that this seat offers you many years of leisure and satisfaction without breaking the lender.


The Tangxiaoer Park seat is just a must-have for anybody whom really loves spending some right time out-of-doors. It really is ideal for whoever enjoys basking to the sunlight, reading a written guide or simply just consuming and relaxing the scenery. Its sturdy, preservative lumber construction, along with its simplicity of construction and comfortable design, can make it an incredible addition to virtually any area that is outside. Get today that is yours start enjoying the truly great in the wild air in design and convenience!


product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-51

product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-52

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Mes specializuojamės plieninių ir medinių konstrukcijų šiukšliadėžių gamyboje, Nerūdijančio plieno gaminiai, šiukšlių namai, laisvalaikio kėdės, šiukšliavežiai ir tt Mes taip pat galime priimti individualius gaminius pagal jūsų pageidavimus. Iki šiol turime 15 metų patirtį gaminant, palaikome OEM / ODM pritaikymą. Mūsų gaminiai eksportuojami į JAV, Vokietiją, Italiją, Didžiąją Britaniją, Prancūziją, Japoniją, Australiją, Pietų Korėją, Pietryčių Aziją ir kitas šalis bei regionus. Nuo pat įmonės įkūrimo esame įsipareigoję gerinti savo gaminių kokybę ir nuolat siekti tobulumo. Be to, mūsų gamyklos nuolat diegia naujoves ir tobulėja, o mes esame įsipareigoję patenkinti kiekvieną savo klientą.
product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-53
produkto pavadinimas
Parko suoliukas
Prekės ženklas
Geležis/aliuminis/medžio masyvas/PS/PVC
Kaip paveikslas
120 / 150 / 180CM
10 rinkiniai
Automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė
Standartinė eksporto automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė
Mokėjimo sąlygos
L / C, T / T
Parkas, sodas, autobusų stotis, komercinė gatvė, prekybos centras ir pan
Montuojamas ant paviršiaus, laisvai pastatomas, įmontuotas
product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-54

product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-55

product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-56
product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-57
product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-58
product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-59
product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-60
product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-61
product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-62
product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-63
product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-64
product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-65
product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-66
product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-67
product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-68
product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-69
product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-70
product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-71
product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-72
product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-73
product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-74
product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-75
product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-76
product park chair outdoor bench preservative wood lounge chair bench without backrest-77

Q1: Ar esate gamykla ar prekybininkas? Esame profesionali namų & sodo gamybos + pardavimo gamykla

2 klausimas: kaip užtikrinti produktų kokybę? 

Mes turime savo QC komandą, kuri kontroliuoja visų mūsų klientų užsakymų produktų kokybę prieš pakrovimą. 

3 klausimas: kiek laiko užtrunka saulės kambarių įrengimas? 

Priklauso nuo įgūdžių, pagalbos ir įrankių, paprastai 2 m² per vieną dieną sumontuos 3-50 darbuotojai. 

4 klausimas: ar saulės kambariai yra atsparūs lietui? 

Taip, esant normalioms oro sąlygoms, net ir stipriai lyjant, saulės kambariai neleis lietaus

5 klausimas: ar saulės kambariai gali būti naudojami šalia jūros? 

Visi priedai iš aliuminio lydinio, nerūdijančio plieno ir žalvario, kad būtų išvengta rūdžių ir korozijos. 

6 klausimas: kaip mes užsiimame verslu? 

Rūpinkitės savo gaminiais ir patenkinkite savo poreikius. 

Susisiekite su mumis el.paštu arba telefonu. 

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