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Еколошко пластично дрво висококвалитетна клупа за паркирско столче на отворено без потпирач за грб

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Presenting the brand name name's environmentally friendly artificial wood playground this may be workbench ideal outdoors your outdoors resting demands. not just will it not nevertheless be stylish furthermore it is ecologically mindful. This workbench high-quality created plastic wood utilizing is typical offering you along with a resilient item this is each useful environmentally friendly.


Our Tangxiaoer workbench is created without possessing any type of backrest offering resting this is truly ideal for lots of people. This workbench is fantastic for resting unwinding whether you are directly down for the stroll for your lounging or even playground because of the swimming pool. Its own durable building assurances it might most likely endure use this is tear this is daily making it perfect for high-traffic locations. The Тангсијаоер workbench's typical wood grain structure provides an appearance ageless creating this a task this is simple combine along with any type of style outdoors.


Among the primary products primary are outstanding our workbench might it be is environmentally friendly. Creating usage of artificial lumber this is very most reused is typical our business is assisting decrease squander safeguard the atmosphere. not simply will you be worth this is truly consisting of the yard basic this workbench nonetheless you're producing a considerable distinction worldwide.


The Tangxiaoer workbench are a job not difficult proceed as it is spectacular. It is fade-resistant water-resistant weather-resistant guaranteeing it might most likely endure aspects being deteriorating severe is outdoors. You might ensure it reduced along with a product this may be moist to ensure that it stays appearing cool brand-brand new through just cleaning.


The Tangxiaoer workbench offers resting this is adequate making it ideal for events jobs along edge its own eco-friendliness. It truly is produced for simple setup such that it are possessed through you location up in minutes. and it truly is light-weight about it effectively towards satisfy your demands to assist you to obtain.


Our Tangxiaoer point higher focused on offering high-quality environmentally friendly points and this workbench is not exemption. This workbench will be the enhancement perfect practically any type of lawn utilizing its own resilience performance style ecologically mindful. Whether or even or else not you may be wishing to produce a location comfortable is resting your yard or even include resting as long as a community playground our workbench might be the service this is ideal.


Have the environmentally friendly synthetic lumber outdoors playground seat workbench coming from Tangxiaoer today luxuriate as quickly as your appearance on top choices that include resilient ecologically mindful resting.


product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-51

product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-52

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Специјализирани сме за производство на канти за ѓубре од челик и дрвена конструкција, производи од нерѓосувачки челик, куќички за ѓубре, столчиња за одмор, камиони за ѓубре и слично. Досега имаме 15 годишно искуство во производството, поддржувајќи го прилагодувањето на OEM/ODM. Нашите производи се извезуваат во САД, Германија, Италија, Британија, Франција, Јапонија, Австралија, Јужна Кореја, Југоисточна Азија и други земји и регион. Од основањето на компанијата, ние сме посветени на подобрување на квалитетот на нашите производи и постојано се стремиме кон извонредност. Покрај тоа, нашите сопствени фабрики постојано иновираат и напредуваат, а ние сме посветени на задоволството на секој од нашите клиенти.
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-53
име на продукт
Парк стол
Железо/алуминиум/масивно дрво/ПС/ПВЦ
Како слика
120 / 150 / 180CM
10 сетови
Стандарден паркинг за извоз
Начин на плаќање
L / C, T / T
Парк, градина, автобуска станица, комерцијална улица, трговски центар и така натаму
Површински монтиран, слободно стои, вграден
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-54
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-55
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-56
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-57
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-58
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-59
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-60
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-61

product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-62

product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-63
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-64
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-65
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-66
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-67
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-68
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-69
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-70
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-71
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-72
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-73
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-74
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-75
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-76
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-77
product eco friendly plastic wood outdoor high quality park chair bench without backrest629-78

Q1: Дали сте производител? 

О: Да, ние сме производителот и сме специјализирани за мебел веќе 15 години. Имаме фабрика и канцеларија за продажба. Можеме да обезбедиме добри производи и најдобра цена

П2: Кои се вашите главни производи? 

О: Канцелариски мебел (надворешна клупа/надворешна кутија за цвеќе од ковано железо/Дворни маси и столчиња/надворешна корпа за ѓубре

Q3: Што е со исплатата? 

О: Ние прифаќаме T/T, L/C итн

Q4: Колку долго е времето за испорака? 

О: Во зависност од различни производи, може да биде од 15 до 30 дена, точното време на испорака ќе биде наведено во профактурата откако ќе се потврди нарачката

П5: Како можам да добијам понуда и да нарачам

О: Едноставно информирајте ги броевите на ставките на нашиот персонал (или врската) за ставките за кои сте заинтересирани и ние ќе подготвиме детална понуда за вас. Профактурата ќе биде издадена откако ќе се потврди нарачката и производството ќе започне откако ќе се финализира авансното плаќање. 

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