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product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-55
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10 сетови
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-56
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-57
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-58
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-59
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-60
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-61
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-62
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-63
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-64
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-65
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-66
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-67
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-68
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-69
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-70
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-71
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-72
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-73
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-74
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-75

П1: Дали сте производител

О: Да, ние сме производителот и сме специјализирани за мебел веќе 15 години. Имаме фабрика и канцеларија за продажба. Можеме да обезбедиме добри производи и најдобра цена

П2: Кои се вашите главни производи

О: Канцелариски мебел (надворешна клупа/надворешна цветна кутија од ковано железо/Дворни маси и столици/надворешна корпа за ѓубре) 

П3: Што е со плаќањето

A: We accept T/T, L/C. etc. 

П4: Колку долго е вашето време за испорака

О: Во зависност од различни производи, може да биде од 15 до 30 дена, точното време за испорака ќе биде наведено во профактурата откако ќе се потврди нарачката. 

П5: Како можам да добијам понуда и да нарачам

О: Едноставно информирајте ги броевите на ставките на нашиот персонал (или врската) за ставките за кои сте заинтересирани и ние ќе подготвиме детална понуда за вас. Профактурата ќе биде издадена откако ќе се потврди нарачката и производството ќе започне откако ќе се финализира авансното плаќање

product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-76
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-77
 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Специјализирани сме за производство на канти за ѓубре од челик и дрвена конструкција,
производи од нерѓосувачки челик, куќички за ѓубре, столчиња за одмор, камиони за ѓубре и слично. Досега имаме 15 годишно искуство во производството, поддржувајќи го прилагодувањето на OEM/ODM. Нашите производи се извезуваат во САД, Германија, Италија, Британија, Франција, Јапонија, Австралија, Јужна Кореја, Југоисточна Азија и други земји и регион. Од основањето на компанијата, ние сме посветени на подобрување на квалитетот на нашите производи и постојано се стремиме кон извонредност. Покрај тоа, нашите сопствени фабрики постојано иновираат и напредуваат, а ние сме посветени на задоволството на секој од нашите клиенти.
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-78
име на продукт
Парк стол
Железо/алуминиум/масивно дрво/ПС/ПВЦ
Како слика
120 / 150 / 180CM
10 сетови
Стандарден паркинг за извоз
Начин на плаќање
L / C, T / T
Парк, градина, автобуска станица, комерцијална улица, трговски центар и така натаму
Површински монтиран, слободно стои, вграден
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-79
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-80
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-81
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-82
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-83
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-84
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-85
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-86
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-87
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-88
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-89
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-90
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-91
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-92
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-93
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-94
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-95
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-96
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-97
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-98
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-99



The Factory Price Pineapple grid chair is the perfect outdoor garden bench for those who want both style and durability in their furniture. Designed to provide long-lasting comfort to its users while also adding to the decor of your outdoor space.


Crafted with a pineapple grid design is coated with a premium layer that prevents rust and corrosion. This ensures that the chair remains looking new even after years of use. The intricate design of the chair adds aesthetic value to your outdoor garden creating a unique and elegant touch.


Comes with aluminum legs that provide stability and support. Sturdy Тангсијаоер and reliable even during windy or harsh weather conditions. Coated with a powder layer to enhance its durability ensuring that the chair remains stable and sturdy no matter the climate.


Easy to assemble. It comes with clear instructions and all necessary hardware for assembly making the task quick and effortless. With its lightweight design you can move it around your outdoor space easily to create the perfect arrangement.


Designed for both commercial and personal use. Suitable for patios backyards parks and various other outdoor spaces. It is also versatile enough for use in cafes hotels and restaurants making it a perfect addition to any establishment's outdoor furniture.


Durable and functional but it is also affordable making it an excellent addition to any budget. The chair comes with a factory price tag that is unbeatable making it the perfect outdoor furniture for those looking to spruce up their outdoor space without breaking the bank.


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