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High-quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design

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Has created and produced the park that is right is outside and workbench that is both top-notch and sturdy. Produced from anticorrosive lumber, these sitting choices are designed to withstand a lot of different climate and elements that are outside deteriorating or showing any indications of deterioration.


You have covered whether you are considering an area that is comfortable rest and revel in a picnic meal, or just desire a spot to sleep while strolling through the park, Тангсијаоер outside park seat and workbench perhaps. These seats are well suited for anybody who would like to keep and curl up with no need for the complete backrest by having a backless design.


Use of anticorrosive timber helps to make sure that these furnishings will retain their durability and power for a time that is long the long run. These seats and benches will stay in exceptional condition whether you're working with hefty rain, intense temperature, or almost any away from weather.


As well as their durability and strength this is certainly durable the Tangxiaoer outside park seat and workbench are extremely versatile. They are well suited for used in general public areas, also personal gardens and yards. These seats and benches provides a comfy and dependable solution whether you are hunting for sitting choices for your house or company area that is outside.


One of many advantages of these sitting choices may be the ergonomic design. The movement that is backless for a more normal seated place, which takes stress off your back muscles and may assist alleviate any stress or disquiet while sitting for very long durations. Also, these seats and benches can accommodate a variety this is certainly wide of kinds and sizes, making them perfect for individuals of all size and shapes.


product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-55

product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-56

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Специјализирани сме за производство на канти за ѓубре од челик и дрвена конструкција, производи од нерѓосувачки челик, куќички за ѓубре, столчиња за одмор, камиони за ѓубре и слично. Досега имаме 15 годишно искуство во производството, поддржувајќи го прилагодувањето на OEM/ODM. Нашите производи се извезуваат во САД, Германија, Италија, Британија, Франција, Јапонија, Австралија, Јужна Кореја, Југоисточна Азија и други земји и регион. Од основањето на компанијата, ние сме посветени на подобрување на квалитетот на нашите производи и постојано се стремиме кон извонредност. Покрај тоа, нашите сопствени фабрики постојано иновираат и напредуваат, а ние сме посветени на задоволството на секој од нашите клиенти.
product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-57
име на продукт
Парк стол
Железо/алуминиум/масивно дрво/ПС/ПВЦ
Како слика
120 / 150 / 180CM
10 сетови
Стандарден паркинг за извоз
Начин на плаќање
L / C, T / T
Парк, градина, автобуска станица, комерцијална улица, трговски центар и така натаму
Површински монтиран, слободно стои, вграден
product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-58

product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-59

product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-60

product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-61

product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-62

product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-63

product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-64

product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-65

product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-66

product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-67

product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-68

product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-69

product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-70

product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-71

product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-72

product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-73

product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-74

product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-75

product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-76

product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-77

product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-78

product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-79

product high quality and durable outdoor park chair and bench made of anticorrosive wood featuring a backless design-80

Q1: Дали сте производител? 

О: Да, ние сме производителот и сме специјализирани за мебел веќе 15 години. Имаме фабрика и канцеларија за продажба. Можеме да обезбедиме добри производи и најдобра цена

П2: Кои се вашите главни производи? 

О: Канцелариски мебел (надворешна клупа/надворешна кутија за цвеќе од ковано железо/Дворни маси и столчиња/надворешна корпа за ѓубре

Q3: Што е со исплатата? 

О: Ние прифаќаме T/T, L/C итн

Q4: Колку долго е времето за испорака? 

О: Во зависност од различни производи, може да биде од 15 до 30 дена, точното време на испорака ќе биде наведено во профактурата откако ќе се потврди нарачката

П5: Како можам да добијам понуда и да нарачам

О: Едноставно информирајте ги броевите на ставките на нашиот персонал (или врската) за ставките за кои сте заинтересирани и ние ќе подготвиме детална понуда за вас. Профактурата ќе биде издадена откако ќе се потврди нарачката и производството ќе започне откако ќе се финализира авансното плаќање. 

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