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Modern Outdoor Lounge Chair Bench Chinese Merbau Patio Bench

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Beginning the Outdoor this is Lounge this is Bench that exists produced Chinese Merbau lumber and supplied completely because of the name brand this is exceedingly this is reputable. This patio workbench would be the method this is perfect upgrade you’re sitting this is area outside a choice and fashionable this is comfortable relaxing within the sunlight.


Built from Merbau timber this lounge Тангсијаоер seat workbench is very durable and plainly resistant to decay and harm making pest an investment it truly is good outside usage. It isn't just lasting and strong but it additionally is sold with a nice-looking and design this is contemporary will wow family and friends and folks often liked.


The Merbau lumber based in the product is sourced from sustainable and responsibly handled woodlands ensuring does its component to shield the surroundings whilst proclaiming to offer which your top-quality eco-friendly item. Chinese Merbau is famous because of the colors grain which has been is rich is distinctive providing the Tangxiaoer lounge chair bench an unique and look eye-catching.


Measuring 63.4 ins in most cases this workbench can merely accommodate a couple of making it the sitting this may be well suited for enthusiasts or buddies. The backrest is ergonomically developed which will make optimum sure supplying support for the trunk whilst you stay and unwind in the sunlight. The slatted chair helps to make that water can easily remove causeing this become well suited for usage even in moist climate.


Installing regarding the Modern Outdoor Lounge Chair Bench is simple and fast and all sorts of types of forms of kinds of you shall need to begin is roofed into the package. The workbench includes guidelines complete it alongside in times to work within moments that will help you have. When appear with the workbench is straightforward to bypass aiding you to look for the spot this can be perfect it in your patio or yard.


Tangxiaoer is simply a brand name anybody trust this is specific. They pride by themselves on producing quality this is items high are durable stay the test of this right period of time. The Outdoor this is lounge this is present is not any exclusion and yes, it is definite to present which you volume protracted of and sitting this is fashionable is outside.


Then search no further than the Outdoor lounge this is present from Tangxiaoer if you're buying fashionable and patio this could be comfortable that has been intended to endure. Crafted from sustainably sourced Merbau timber this workbench provides the solution this is apparent is leisure perfect the sunshine while being eco-friendly. This is contemporary it is specific to wow both you and construction not hard your site internet site and a design.


product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-55

product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-56

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Специјализирани сме за производство на канти за ѓубре од челик и дрвена конструкција, производи од нерѓосувачки челик, куќички за ѓубре, столчиња за одмор, камиони за ѓубре и слично. Досега имаме 15 годишно искуство во производството, поддржувајќи го прилагодувањето на OEM/ODM. Нашите производи се извезуваат во САД, Германија, Италија, Британија, Франција, Јапонија, Австралија, Јужна Кореја, Југоисточна Азија и други земји и регион. Од основањето на компанијата, ние сме посветени на подобрување на квалитетот на нашите производи и постојано се стремиме кон извонредност. Покрај тоа, нашите сопствени фабрики постојано иновираат и напредуваат, а ние сме посветени на задоволството на секој од нашите клиенти.
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-57
име на продукт
Клупа во паркот
Железо/алуминиум/масивно дрво/ПС/ПВЦ
Како слика
120 / 150 / 180CM
10 сетови
Стандарден паркинг за извоз
Начин на плаќање
L / C, T / T
Парк, градина, автобуска станица, комерцијална улица, трговски центар и така натаму
Површински монтиран, слободно стои, вграден
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-58

product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-59

product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-60
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-61
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-62
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-63
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-64
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-65
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-66
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-67
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-68
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-69
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-70
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-71
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-72
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-73
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-74
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-75
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-76
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-77
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-78
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-79
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-80
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-81
product modern outdoor lounge chair bench chinese merbau patio bench-82

П1: Дали сте фабрика или трговец? Ние сме професионална домашна - градинарско производство + фабрика за продажба

П2: Како да се гарантира квалитетот на производите? 

Имаме свој тим за КК за контрола на квалитетот на производите за сите нарачки на нашите клиенти пред да се вчитаат. 

П3: Колку време е потребно да се инсталираат сончеви простории? 

Зависи од вештините, помошта и алатките, вообичаено 2-3 работници ќе ја завршат инсталацијата 50 m² за еден ден. 

П4: Дали сончевите соби се отпорни на дожд? 

Да, нормалните временски услови, дури и силен дожд, сончевите простории нема да пуштат дожд

П5: Дали можат да се користат сончевите соби покрај морето? 

Сите додатоци од алуминиумска легура, не'рѓосувачки челик и месинг за да се избегне каква било 'рѓа и корозија. 

П6: Како работиме? 

Грижете се за вашите производи и послужете ги вашите потреби. 

Контактирајте не преку е-пошта или по телефон. 

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