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High quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style Polska

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The product is presented by the brand name quality that is top Community Courtyard Outdoor Round Tree Chair Customizing Style, High quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style a versatile and furniture this is certainly charming is outdoor that highlights style, functionality, and endurance. Impacted by contemporary design some ideas, the Tangxiaoer name brand crafted this furniture set to meet up with the necessity up for comfortable and seating this is certainly sensible is outside perfect for courtyards, gardens, patios, as well as other outside areas. 

Projekt i funkcje:

This tree this is really set this is certainly modern design that is exquisite seamlessly integrates along with its surroundings while including slightly beauty and beauty. The Tangxiaoer form this is certainly circular of seats creates a motion this is really normal embraces the elements that are nearby even though robust and weather-resistant materials guarantee durability and power to withstand the current weather that are external. 

Also, this chair set comes with modification alternatives making it feasible for users to tailor the furniture's design employing their choices. Tangxiaoer provides colors which may be textures that are various and materials to pick from, making certain users will begin to realize the match that is perfect their design that is outside and. 

Built-in Comfort:

The standard that is top Community Courtyard Outdoor Round Tree Chair set was indeed constructed with specific convenience in your face. Each chair is sold with soft and cushions being comfortable leisure that is improve convenience this is really ultimate. Additionally, the chair's curved backrest and armrests provide you with the volume that is true of for users, after they choose sitting upright or tilting straight back. 

Trwałe materiały:

Tangxiaoer's top quality Modern Community Courtyard Outdoor Round Tree Chair set is made from premium materials that guarantee durability and then make use of this is really durable. The furniture's base material is aluminum, that will be sturdy and resistant to rust, corrosion, and diminishing from UV rays. The chair's cushions are made from top-quality textile that is outside is waterproof and an task that is easy clean. 

Wszechstronne zastosowanie:

This furniture this is certainly top-quality is modern's versatile design assists it really is ideal for various areas and this can be outside including courtyards, gardens, patios, and decks. The chair's unique type this is certainly actually round it ideal for placing around forests, pool areas, along with other elements that are eccentric are outside. The seats could be along with possibly elegant tables which are outside generating them perfect for exterior dining and entertaining. 

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-55

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-56

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Specjalizujemy się w produkcji pojemników na śmieci o konstrukcji stalowej i drewnianej, produkty ze stali nierdzewnej, śmietniki, krzesła wypoczynkowe, śmieciarki itp. Możemy również przyjąć produkty dostosowane do Twoich preferencji. Do tej pory mamy 15 lat doświadczenia w produkcji, wspierając dostosowanie OEM/ODM. Nasze produkty są eksportowane do Stanów Zjednoczonych, Niemiec, Włoch, Wielkiej Brytanii, Francji, Japonii, Australii, Korei Południowej, Azji Południowo-Wschodniej i innych krajów i regionów. Od momentu założenia firmy jesteśmy zaangażowani w poprawę jakości naszych produktów i ciągłe dążenie do doskonałości. Ponadto nasze własne fabryki są stale innowacyjne i rozwijane, a my jesteśmy zaangażowani w zadowolenie każdego z naszych klientów.
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-57
Nazwa produktu
Ławka w parku
Żelazo/aluminium/lite drewno/PS/PVC
Jak na zdjęciu
120 / 150 / 180CM
Zestawy 10
Miejsce do parkowania
Standardowy parking eksportowy
Zasady płatności
L / C, T / T
Park, ogród, dworzec autobusowy, ulica handlowa, galeria handlowa itd.
instalacja sprzętu
Montowane na powierzchni, wolnostojące, osadzone
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-58

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-59

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-60

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-61

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-62

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-63

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-64

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-65

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-66

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-67

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-68

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-69

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-70

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-71

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-72

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-73

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-74

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-75

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-76

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-77

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-78

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-79

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-80

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-81

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-82

P1: Czy jesteś producentem?

A: Tak, jesteśmy producentem i specjalizujemy się w meblach od 15 lat. Mamy fabrykę i biuro sprzedaży. Możemy dostarczyć dobre produkty i najlepszą cenę

Q2: Jakie są Twoje główne produkty?

A: Meble biurowe (ławka ogrodowa/zewnętrzna skrzynia na kwiaty z kutego żelaza/stoły i krzesła ogrodowe/zewnętrzny kosz na śmieci) 

P3: Co z płatnością?

A: Akceptujemy płatności przelewem bankowym, akredytywą itp.

P4: Jak długi jest czas dostawy?

A: W zależności od produktu może to potrwać od 15 do 30 dni, dokładny czas dostawy zostanie określony na fakturze proforma po potwierdzeniu zamówienia

P5: Jak mogę uzyskać wycenę i złożyć zamówienie?

A: Po prostu podaj numery pozycji (lub link) interesującego Cię przedmiotu naszemu personelowi, a my przygotujemy dla Ciebie szczegółową wycenę. Faktura proforma zostanie wystawiona po potwierdzeniu zamówienia, a produkcja rozpocznie się po sfinalizowaniu płatności z góry.

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