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Столица за парк од алуминијумске легуре, спољна клупа, седиште за слободно време са наслоном за балкон, баштенски парк и терасу Србија

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Presenting the aluminum alloy item park chair workbench seat backrest this is outside. This chair will be the addition right any garden whether there clearly was a balcony garden and sometimes even a patio or park area. This chair can not only provide comfortable sitting but may enhance the visual with this particular yard general its sleek and design modern.


Created from top-quality aluminum alloy item this park chair is sturdy and sturdy ensuring it might withstand one of the most conditions challenging may be outside. The goods’ lightweight house causes you to rearrange town outside without hassle that it is a task not hard maneuver around allowing.


Made of a backrest this seat this can be convenience leisure is ultimate assistance enabling you to flake during the night away. The seat's smooth area guarantees seating comfortable making it ideal for longer periods of sitting.


This park chair is wonderful for both whether or not you're excited about a spot to keep and read information this is communicate useful buddies. Oahu could be the close friend this is perfect outside gatherings or retreats being solamente. Its sleek and design modern it be visually pleasing while its sturdy construction guarantees it may encounter to ensure that it probably can endure any deterioration.


This park chair possesses a design this will be aids that may be ergonomic back and allows better place. The backrest is totally tilted to make neck right assistance optimal relieving any anxiety and anxiety resulting from extended sitting sessions.


Cleaning and keeping the chair can be hugely easy. Simply wipe the outer liner having a textile it is damp it shall look as effectual as new. Its design this is rust-free and properties verify the chair shall continue steadily to look pristine regardless of length of time it is confronted by the elements this is present.


Tangxiaoer's aluminum alloy item park chair outside workbench leisure seat with backrest will be the addition this is ideal virtually any area particular is outside. Its sturdy and construction this will be backrest durable and simple maintenance features ensure it is the investment better for the balcony garden park or patio area. Have yours enjoy endless hours of leisure and convenience while elevating your today outside that artistic.

product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-55

product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-56

 Тангкиаоер Леисуре Продуцтс Цо., Лтд
Специјализовани смо за производњу канти за смеће од челичне и дрвене конструкције, производи од нерђајућег челика, куће за смеће, столице за слободно време, камиони за смеће итд. Такође можемо прихватити прилагођене производе према вашим жељама. До сада имамо 15 година искуства у производњи, подржавајући прилагођавање ОЕМ/ОДМ-а. Наши производи се извозе у Сједињене Државе, Немачку, Италију, Британију, Француску, Јапан, Аустралију, Јужну Кореју, југоисточну Азију и друге земље и регион. Од оснивања компаније, посвећени смо унапређењу квалитета наших производа и константној тежњи ка изврсности. Поред тога, наше сопствене фабрике непрестано се иновирају и напредују, а ми смо посвећени задовољству сваког нашег купца.
product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-57
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product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-58

product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-59

product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-60
product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-61
product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-62
product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-63
product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-64
product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-65
product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-66
product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-67
product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-68
product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-69
product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-70
product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-71
product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-72
product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-73
product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-74
product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-75
product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-76
product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-77
product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-78
product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-79
product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-80
product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-81
product aluminum alloy material park chair outdoor bench leisure seat with backrest for balcony garden park and patio-82

П1: Да ли сте фабрика или трговац? Ми смо професионални дом & баштенска производња + фабрика продаје

П2: Како гарантовати квалитет производа? 

Имамо сопствени КЦ тим за контролу квалитета производа за све поруџбине наших клијената пре утовара. 

П3: Колико времена је потребно да се инсталирају сунчане собе? 

Зависи од вештине, помоћи и алата, уобичајена 2-3 радника ће завршити инсталацију 50 м² за један дан. 

П4: Да ли су сунчане собе отпорне на кишу? 

Да, нормални временски услови, чак и јака киша, сунчане собе неће пустити кишу

П5: Могу ли се користити сунчане собе поред мора? 

Сав прибор од легуре алуминијума, нерђајућег челика и месинга да би се избегла рђа и корозија. 

П6: Како послујемо? 

Водите рачуна о својим производима и задовољите своје потребе. 

Контактирајте нас путем е-поште или телефона. 

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