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product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-55
Назив производа
Парк Цхаир
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-56
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-57
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-58
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-59
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-60
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-61
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-62
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-63
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-64
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-65
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-66
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-67
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-68
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-69
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-70
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-71
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-72
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-73
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-74
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-75

П1: Да ли сте произвођач

О: Да, ми смо произвођач и специјализовани смо за намештај већ 15 година. Имамо фабрику и канцеларију за продају. Можемо да понудимо добре производе и најбољу цену

П2: Који су ваши главни производи

О: Канцеларијски намештај (спољна клупа / спољна кутија за цвеће од кованог гвожђа / дворишни столови и столице / канта за смеће на отвореном) 

П3: Шта је са плаћањем

A: We accept T/T, L/C. etc. 

П4: Колико дуго је ваше време испоруке

О: У зависности од различитих производа, може бити од 15 до 30 дана, тачно време испоруке ће бити наведено у предрачуну када се наруџба потврди. 

П5: Како могу добити понуду и наручити

О: Само обавестите наше бројеве ставки (или линк) за ставке које вас занимају и ми ћемо припремити детаљну понуду за вас. Предрачун ће бити издат када поруџбина буде потврђена, а производња ће започети када се авансна уплата заврши

product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-76
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-77
 Тангкиаоер Леисуре Продуцтс Цо., Лтд
Специјализовани смо за производњу канти за смеће од челичне и дрвене конструкције,
производи од нерђајућег челика, куће за смеће, столице за слободно време, камиони за смеће итд. Такође можемо прихватити прилагођене производе према вашим жељама. До сада имамо 15 година искуства у производњи, подржавајући прилагођавање ОЕМ/ОДМ-а. Наши производи се извозе у Сједињене Државе, Немачку, Италију, Британију, Француску, Јапан, Аустралију, Јужну Кореју, југоисточну Азију и друге земље и регион. Од оснивања компаније, посвећени смо унапређењу квалитета наших производа и константној тежњи ка изврсности. Поред тога, наше сопствене фабрике непрестано се иновирају и напредују, а ми смо посвећени задовољству сваког нашег купца.
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-78
Назив производа
Парк Цхаир
Гвожђе / алуминијум / пуно дрво / ПС / ПВЦ
Као слика
Стандардни извозни паркинг
Услови плаћања
Л / Ц, Т / Т
Парк, башта, аутобуска станица, комерцијална улица, тржни центар и тако даље
Површински монтиран, слободно стојећи, уграђен
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-79
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-80
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-81
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-82
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-83
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-84
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-85
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-86
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-87
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-88
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-89
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-90
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-91
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-92
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-93
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-94
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-95
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-96
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-97
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-98
product factory price pineapple grid chair surface cast aluminum chair legs outdoor garden benches-99



The Factory Price Pineapple grid chair is the perfect outdoor garden bench for those who want both style and durability in their furniture. Designed to provide long-lasting comfort to its users while also adding to the decor of your outdoor space.


Crafted with a pineapple grid design is coated with a premium layer that prevents rust and corrosion. This ensures that the chair remains looking new even after years of use. The intricate design of the chair adds aesthetic value to your outdoor garden creating a unique and elegant touch.


Comes with aluminum legs that provide stability and support. Sturdy Тангкиаоер and reliable even during windy or harsh weather conditions. Coated with a powder layer to enhance its durability ensuring that the chair remains stable and sturdy no matter the climate.


Easy to assemble. It comes with clear instructions and all necessary hardware for assembly making the task quick and effortless. With its lightweight design you can move it around your outdoor space easily to create the perfect arrangement.


Designed for both commercial and personal use. Suitable for patios backyards parks and various other outdoor spaces. It is also versatile enough for use in cafes hotels and restaurants making it a perfect addition to any establishment's outdoor furniture.


Durable and functional but it is also affordable making it an excellent addition to any budget. The chair comes with a factory price tag that is unbeatable making it the perfect outdoor furniture for those looking to spruce up their outdoor space without breaking the bank.


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