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Tangxiaoer brings you the answer that is clear is obvious is unquestionably ultimate your outdoor sitting needs using its choice of anti-corrosive park seats, outside benches, artificial timber benches, workbench iron really long patio garden seats, line chair seats, and a lot of other pursuits

 Тангкиаоер number of outside seats and benches have been built to create your insurance firms a cushty and sitting this can be really relaxing while that best part that is nature that is great. Made from top-quality materials, these seats and benches are durable, sturdy, and designed to withstand the conditions that could outside be harsh are

One of the key tops that is top of Tangxiaoer’s outside seats and benches could be the properties which may be anti-corrosive. Crafted from materials being resistant to corrosion and rust, these seats and benches require minimal maintenance, making them ideal for outside use. You won't need to stress in connection with seats and benches rusting or corroding to be a total result of reference to dampness, rain, or dampness

Another function this really is really exclusive of Tangxiaoer range of exterior seats and benches would be the use of artificial lumber of the construction. This process is made to mimic the appearance and feel of genuine lumber, nevertheless because of the advantages to be more powerful and resistant to weathering. You can easily gain benefit from the beauty of normal timber without fretting about it rotting or deteriorating due to weather promotion

Additionally, Tangxiaoer’s outside seats and benches can be found a mix this can be really wide of and designs to fit your alternatives. From sleek and styles that are modern more main-stream and designs which are often classic you shall get one thing for everyone. It is possible to choose from park seats, outside benches, workbench iron patio this is certainly seats being line that is long seats, plus much more

Tangxiaoer takes pride to help with making use of quality materials and manufacturing this is actually advanced level to make sure that their seats being outside benches are manufactured to last. You can be dependant on their products or services or services or solutions or answers to present comfortable and sitting this is certainly really years that are durable the long haul that is nearby. To enhance the convenience, Tangxiaoer offers quick and construction that is not difficult their products or services or solutions or solutions, making them prepared to use instantly through the container

Then Tangxiaoer selection of park seats, outside benches, artificial lumber benches, workbench iron long patio yard seats, and line seat seats will probably be your reaction if you are trying to find comfortable, durable, and stylish outside sitting alternatives. The properties that could be level that is anti-corrosive of, and installation this is certainly actually fast these seats and benches the addition that is much better to your garden. Choose Tangxiaoer for reliability and quality

product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-55

product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-56

 Тангкиаоер Леисуре Продуцтс Цо., Лтд
Специјализовани смо за производњу канти за смеће од челичне и дрвене конструкције, производи од нерђајућег челика, куће за смеће, столице за слободно време, камиони за смеће итд. Такође можемо прихватити прилагођене производе према вашим жељама. До сада имамо 15 година искуства у производњи, подржавајући прилагођавање ОЕМ/ОДМ-а. Наши производи се извозе у Сједињене Државе, Немачку, Италију, Британију, Француску, Јапан, Аустралију, Јужну Кореју, југоисточну Азију и друге земље и регион. Од оснивања компаније посвећени смо побољшању квалитета наших производа и константној тежњи ка изврсности. Поред тога, наше сопствене фабрике непрестано се иновирају и напредују, а ми смо посвећени задовољству сваког нашег купца
product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-57
Назив производа
Парк Цхаир
Гвожђе / алуминијум / пуно дрво / ПС / ПВЦ
Као слика
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Услови плаћања
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Парк, башта, аутобуска станица, комерцијална улица, тржни центар и тако даље
Површински монтиран, слободно стојећи, уграђен
product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-58

product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-59

product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-60

product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-61
product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-62
product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-63
product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-64
product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-65
product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-66
product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-67
product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-68
product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-69
product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-70
product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-71
product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-72
product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-73
product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-74
product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-75
product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-76
product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-77
product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-78
product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-79

product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-80

product park chairs outdoor benches anti corrosive plastic wood bench bench iron long patio garden chairs row chair seats-81
П1: Да ли сте произвођач
О: Да, ми смо произвођач и специјализовани смо за намештај већ 15 година. Имамо фабрику и канцеларију за продају. Можемо да понудимо добре производе и најбољу цену

П2: Који су ваши главни производи
О: Канцеларијски намештај спољна клупа / спољна кутија за цвеће од кованог гвожђа / дворишни столови и столице / канта за смеће на отвореном

П3: Шта је са плаћањем
О: Прихватамо Т/Т, Л/Ц итд

П4: Колико дуго је ваше време испоруке
О: У зависности од различитих производа, може бити од 15 до 30 дана, тачно време испоруке ће бити наведено у предрачуну када се наруџба потврди

П5: Како могу добити понуду и наручити
О: Само обавестите наше бројеве ставки (или линк) за ставке које вас занимају и ми ћемо припремити детаљну понуду за вас. Предрачун ће бити издат када поруџбина буде потврђена, а производња ће започети када се авансна уплата заврши

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