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Dru i ngurtë
PS Druri
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Dru i ngurtë antikoroziv stol parku të jashtëm me cilësi të lartë të qëndrueshme me çelik të papërshkueshëm nga uji me dizajn modern për përdorim në kopsht ose oborr

  • Përshkrim
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Presenting the High-Quality Durable Outdoor Park Bench Anticorrosive Solid Wood with Modern Design Waterproof Steel for Garden or Patio Use.


Crafted from ab muscles timber better achievable is solid this workbench provides durability unparalleled power. The lumber have been addressed having a finish this is anticorrosive ensuring it may withstand weather this is harsh and remain looking as potent as new for some time this is very few years goes on.


The workbench is made of a modern and sleek artistic in mind. The Tangxiaoer look this can be enhance most stylish seek out the garden while offering an area cushy is sitting you truly making use of your site visitors.


The workbench comes by having a steel this can be waterproof and so it's still stable and sturdy even in the skin facial is genuine of hefty rain or wind. The steel is addressed to avoid rusting you therefore be confident it shall have been in exemplary condition throughout its lifespan to aid.


The Tangxiaoer High-Quality Durable Outdoor Park Bench was made use making of kind or type and function in your mind. The combination initial of wood and steel helps it is a truly sturdy and choice this is sitting is comfortable. The workbench is good for enjoying and relaxing the most truly effective being great regardless if you are reading information useful simply using if you feel the sunshine.


The Tangxiaoer High-Quality Durable Outdoor Park Bench may be the option perfect it comes down to yard or patio or possibly a practical and sturdy option sitting if you're considering a striking declaration piece whenever. It is perfect for found in basic areas being general areas public gardens. The truth is it might anywhere be properly used the place where a workbench and stylish sturdy needed.


product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-55

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-56

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Ne jemi te specializuar në prodhimin e kazanëve të plehrave me strukturë çeliku dhe druri, produkte çelik inox, shtëpi plehrash, karrige pushimi, kamionë plehrash etj. Ne gjithashtu mund të pranojmë produkte të personalizuara sipas preferencës tuaj. Deri më tani ne kemi 15 vjet përvojë në prodhim, duke mbështetur personalizimin OEM/ODM. Produktet tona eksportohen në Shtetet e Bashkuara, Gjermani, Itali, Britani, Francë, Japoni, Australi, Korenë e Jugut, Azinë Juglindore dhe vende dhe rajone të tjera. Që nga themelimi i kompanisë, ne kemi qenë të përkushtuar për të përmirësuar cilësinë e produkteve tona dhe vazhdimisht përpiqemi për përsosmëri. Përveç kësaj, fabrikat tona janë vazhdimisht duke inovuar dhe avancuar, dhe ne jemi të përkushtuar për kënaqësinë e secilit prej klientëve tanë.
product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-57
Emri i produktit
Karrige parku
Hekur/alumin/dru i ngurtë/PS/PVC
Si foto
120 / 150 / 180CM
Rregullon 10
Parkim standard i eksportit
Kushtet e pagesës
L / C, T / T
Park, kopsht, stacion autobusi, rrugë tregtare, qendër tregtare etj
E montuar në sipërfaqe, e lirë, e ngulitur
product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-58

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-59

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-60

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-61

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-62

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-63

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-64

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-65

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-66

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-67

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-68

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-69

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-70

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-71

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-72

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-73

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-74

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-75

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-76

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-77

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-78

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-79

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-80

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-81

product high quality durable outdoor park bench anticorrosive solid wood with modern design waterproof steel for garden or patio use-82

Q1: Jeni prodhues? 

Përgjigje: Po, ne jemi prodhuesi dhe jemi të specializuar në mobilje për 15 vjet. Ne kemi fabrikë dhe zyrë shitje. Ne mund të ofrojmë produkte të mira dhe çmimin më të mirë

Q2: What's your main products? 

A: Office Furniture(outdoor bench/ outdoor wrought iron flower box/Courtyard tables and chairs/Outdoor garbage bin

Q3: Po në lidhje me pagesën? 

A: Ne pranojmë T/T, L/C etj

Q4: Sa kohë është koha juaj e dorëzimit? 

Përgjigje: Në varësi të produkteve të ndryshme, mund të jetë nga 15 deri në 30 ditë, koha e saktë e dorëzimit do të specifikohet në faturën proforma pasi porosia të konfirmohet

P5: Si mund të marr kuotim dhe të bëj porosi

A: Just simply inform our staff item numbers(or link) of the items you are interested in and we will prepare detail quotation for you. Proforma invoice will be issued once order is confirmed and production will be started once advance payment is finalized. 

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