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Stola parku në natyrë prej druri plastik mjedisor prej çeliku inox pa mbështetëse

  • Përshkrim
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A ka një problem?
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The Stainless-steel Environmental Plastic Wood Outdoor Park Bench could be the perfect addition to virtually any room outside. This workbench will fit the bill regardless if you are in search of a cushty destination to stay and luxuriate within the scenery or perhaps an area to curl up and read helpful information. Produced from top-notch materials including metal this is stainless ecological synthetic timber this workbench is durable and developed to final.


The appearance of the workbench is straightforward and stylish featuring clean lines and a sleek contemporary appearance. Having less a backrest boosts the minimalist visual while nevertheless supplying a chair comfortable. The stainless framework adds energy and security although the synthetic timber slats give a natural-looking low-maintenance seating area.


Among the better options that come with this workbench is it's weather-resistant. Whether you reside in a rainy humid climate a dry arid one the Tangxiaoer Stainless-steel Tangxiaoer Environmental Plastic Wood Outdoor Park Bench was made to withstand the rain and sun. The timber synthetic will not warp split or rot even in extreme conditions and so the metal this is stainless resists rust and corrosion.


An additional benefit this is excellent of workbench is its zero-maintenance needs. This one will likely not need staining regular sealing to maintain steadily its look unlike old-fashioned wood benches. Merely wipe it straight down by having a Textile damp seriously needed ensure that it is searching perfect for years to the future.


the Tangxiaoer Stainless-steel Environmental Plastic Wood Outdoor Park Bench is merely a top-quality durable and addition fashionable just about any area outside. Its easy design and weather-resistant materials allow it to be an ideal choice for general public areas domestic gardens or simply about somewhere else you need a chair this is comfortable. Plus having its low-to-zero maintenance demands you'll be able to gain benefit from the workbench without having the maintenance significant. Choose Tangxiaoer when it comes to seating next is outdoor and feel the distinction in quality and durability today.


product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-53

product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-54

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Ne jemi te specializuar në prodhimin e kazanëve të plehrave me strukturë çeliku dhe druri, produkte çelik inox, shtëpi plehrash, karrige pushimi, kamionë plehrash etj. Ne gjithashtu mund të pranojmë produkte të personalizuara sipas preferencës tuaj. Deri më tani ne kemi 15 vjet përvojë në prodhim, duke mbështetur personalizimin OEM/ODM. Produktet tona eksportohen në Shtetet e Bashkuara, Gjermani, Itali, Britani, Francë, Japoni, Australi, Korenë e Jugut, Azinë Juglindore dhe vende dhe rajone të tjera. Që nga themelimi i kompanisë, ne kemi qenë të përkushtuar për të përmirësuar cilësinë e produkteve tona dhe vazhdimisht përpiqemi për përsosmëri. Përveç kësaj, fabrikat tona janë vazhdimisht duke inovuar dhe avancuar, dhe ne jemi të përkushtuar për kënaqësinë e secilit prej klientëve tanë.
product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-55
Emri i produktit
Stola e parkut
Hekur/alumin/dru i ngurtë/PS/PVC
Si foto
120 / 150 / 180CM
Rregullon 10
Parkim standard i eksportit
Kushtet e pagesës
L / C, T / T
Park, kopsht, stacion autobusi, rrugë tregtare, qendër tregtare etj
E montuar në sipërfaqe, e lirë, e ngulitur
product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-56

product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-57

product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-58

product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-59

product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-60
product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-61
product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-62
product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-63
product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-64
product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-65
product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-66
product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-67
product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-68
product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-69
product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-70
product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-71
product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-72
product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-73
product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-74
product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-75
product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-76

product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-77

product stainless steel environmental plastic wood outdoor park bench without backrest768-78

Q1: A jeni prodhues

Përgjigje: Po, ne jemi prodhuesi dhe jemi të specializuar në mobilje për 15 vjet. Ne kemi fabrikë dhe zyrë shitje. Ne mund të ofrojmë produkte të mira dhe çmimin më të mirë

Q2: Cilat janë produktet tuaja kryesore

Përgjigje: Mobilje zyre (stol në natyrë/ kuti lulesh prej hekuri të farkëtuar në natyrë / tavolina dhe karrige oborri / kosh mbeturinash në natyrë) 

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Përgjigje: Ne pranojmë T/T, L/C. etj

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Përgjigje: Në varësi të produkteve të ndryshme, mund të jetë nga 15 deri në 30 ditë, koha e saktë e dorëzimit do të specifikohet në faturën proforma pasi porosia të konfirmohet

P5: Si mund të marr kuotim dhe të bëj porosi

Përgjigje: Thjesht informoni numrat e artikujve të stafit tonë (ose lidhjen) për artikujt që ju interesojnë dhe ne do të përgatisim kuotimin e detajuar për ju. Proformafatura do të lëshohet sapo të konfirmohet porosia dhe prodhimi do të fillojë pasi të finalizohet pagesa paradhënie

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