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The product is presented by the brand name quality that is top Community Courtyard Outdoor Round Tree Chair Customizing Style, High quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style a versatile and furniture this is certainly charming is outdoor that highlights style, functionality, and endurance. Impacted by contemporary design some ideas, the Tangxiaoer name brand crafted this furniture set to meet up with the necessity up for comfortable and seating this is certainly sensible is outside perfect for courtyards, gardens, patios, as well as other outside areas. 

Dizajni dhe karakteristikat:

This tree this is really set this is certainly modern design that is exquisite seamlessly integrates along with its surroundings while including slightly beauty and beauty. The Tangxiaoer form this is certainly circular of seats creates a motion this is really normal embraces the elements that are nearby even though robust and weather-resistant materials guarantee durability and power to withstand the current weather that are external. 

Also, this chair set comes with modification alternatives making it feasible for users to tailor the furniture's design employing their choices. Tangxiaoer provides colors which may be textures that are various and materials to pick from, making certain users will begin to realize the match that is perfect their design that is outside and. 

Built-in Comfort:

The standard that is top Community Courtyard Outdoor Round Tree Chair set was indeed constructed with specific convenience in your face. Each chair is sold with soft and cushions being comfortable leisure that is improve convenience this is really ultimate. Additionally, the chair's curved backrest and armrests provide you with the volume that is true of for users, after they choose sitting upright or tilting straight back. 

Materiale të qëndrueshme:

Tangxiaoer's top quality Modern Community Courtyard Outdoor Round Tree Chair set is made from premium materials that guarantee durability and then make use of this is really durable. The furniture's base material is aluminum, that will be sturdy and resistant to rust, corrosion, and diminishing from UV rays. The chair's cushions are made from top-quality textile that is outside is waterproof and an task that is easy clean. 

Përdorimi i gjithanshëm:

This furniture this is certainly top-quality is modern's versatile design assists it really is ideal for various areas and this can be outside including courtyards, gardens, patios, and decks. The chair's unique type this is certainly actually round it ideal for placing around forests, pool areas, along with other elements that are eccentric are outside. The seats could be along with possibly elegant tables which are outside generating them perfect for exterior dining and entertaining. 

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-55

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-56

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Ne jemi te specializuar në prodhimin e kazanëve të plehrave me strukturë çeliku dhe druri, produkte çelik inox, shtëpi plehrash, karrige pushimi, kamionë plehrash etj. Ne gjithashtu mund të pranojmë produkte të personalizuara sipas preferencës tuaj. Deri më tani ne kemi 15 vjet përvojë në prodhim, duke mbështetur personalizimin OEM/ODM. Produktet tona eksportohen në Shtetet e Bashkuara, Gjermani, Itali, Britani, Francë, Japoni, Australi, Korenë e Jugut, Azinë Juglindore dhe vende dhe rajone të tjera. Që nga themelimi i kompanisë, ne kemi qenë të përkushtuar për të përmirësuar cilësinë e produkteve tona dhe vazhdimisht përpiqemi për përsosmëri. Përveç kësaj, fabrikat tona janë vazhdimisht duke inovuar dhe avancuar, dhe ne jemi të përkushtuar për kënaqësinë e secilit prej klientëve tanë.
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-57
Emri i produktit
Stola e parkut
Hekur/alumin/dru i ngurtë/PS/PVC
Si foto
120 / 150 / 180CM
Rregullon 10
Parkim standard i eksportit
Kushtet e pagesës
L / C, T / T
Park, kopsht, stacion autobusi, rrugë tregtare, qendër tregtare etj
E montuar në sipërfaqe, e lirë, e ngulitur
product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-58

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-59

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-60

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-61

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-62

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-63

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-64

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-65

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-66

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-67

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-68

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-69

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-70

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-71

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-72

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-73

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-74

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-75

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-76

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-77

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-78

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-79

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-80

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-81

product high quality modern community courtyard outdoor round tree chair customizing style191-82

Q1: A jeni prodhues

Përgjigje: Po, ne jemi prodhuesi dhe jemi të specializuar në mobilje për 15 vjet. Ne kemi fabrikë dhe zyrë shitje. Ne mund të ofrojmë produkte të mira dhe çmimin më të mirë

Q2: Cilat janë produktet tuaja kryesore

Përgjigje: Mobilje zyre (stol në natyrë/ kuti lulesh prej hekuri të farkëtuar në natyrë / tavolina dhe karrige oborri / kosh mbeturinash në natyrë) 

Q3: Po në lidhje me pagesën

Përgjigje: Ne pranojmë T/T, L/C. etj

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Përgjigje: Në varësi të produkteve të ndryshme, mund të jetë nga 15 deri në 30 ditë, koha e saktë e dorëzimit do të specifikohet në faturën proforma pasi porosia të konfirmohet

P5: Si mund të marr kuotim dhe të bëj porosi

Përgjigje: Thjesht informoni numrat e artikujve të stafit tonë (ose lidhjen) për artikujt që ju interesojnë dhe ne do të përgatisim kuotimin e detajuar për ju. Proformafatura do të lëshohet sapo të konfirmohet porosia dhe prodhimi do të fillojë pasi të finalizohet pagesa paradhënie

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