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Karrige parku në oborr prej hekuri të farkëtuar në natyrë me dizajn të rehatshëm

  • Përshkrim
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A ka një problem?
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The Outdoor Wrought Iron Patio Bench Park Chair will be the addition perfect almost any area outside. Its fashioned with convenience at heart offering you someplace comfortable stay and curl up while enjoying the truly amazing within the air open. Made out of top-quality wrought iron this workbench chair is developed to final and withstand elements outside.


The look with this particular workbench Tangxiaoer chair is easy and simple elegant which makes it easy to squeeze into any décor outside. It comes with a design classic sturdy armrests and a backrest curved gives exceptional straight back help. The chair could be contoured to match your human anatomy offering you convenience maximum.


The Tangxiaoer Outdoor Wrought Iron Patio Bench Park Chair is great for utilized in many different areas outside. With the perfect spot to stay and curl up whether you will require sitting for the yard patio deck or pool area this workbench chair provides you. It could additionally be employed in public places areas such as areas and playgrounds.


This workbench chair is not difficult to construct and is sold with the hardware important tools. Its meant to be durable and low-maintenance requiring very upkeep this is short amount of time. This will make it an investment excellent whoever wants to enjoy their back yard and never have to bother about upkeep.


The Tangxiaoer Outdoor Wrought Iron Patio Bench Park Chair can be built to be weather-resistant. It is powder-coated to stop rust and corrosion and it'll withstand conditions extreme climate harsh. What this means is outside all year-round without fretting about it being harmed by the weather current possible keep it.


The Tangxiaoer Outdoor Wrought Iron Patio Bench Park Chair is unquestionably a choice anybody great wants to include comfortable sitting along with their yard. Its durable an easy task to construct and built to be weather-resistant. Its design classic additionally to ensure that it will be in a position to participate in any décor outside perfect for whoever wishes their back yard to look great. Provide your area outside an update because of the Tangxiaoer Outdoor Wrought Iron Patio Bench Park Chair.


product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-55

product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-56

 Tangxiaoer Leisure Products Co., Ltd
Ne jemi te specializuar në prodhimin e kazanëve të plehrave me strukturë çeliku dhe druri, produkte çelik inox, shtëpi plehrash, karrige pushimi, kamionë plehrash etj. Ne gjithashtu mund të pranojmë produkte të personalizuara sipas preferencës tuaj. Deri më tani ne kemi 15 vjet përvojë në prodhim, duke mbështetur personalizimin OEM/ODM. Produktet tona eksportohen në Shtetet e Bashkuara, Gjermani, Itali, Britani, Francë, Japoni, Australi, Korenë e Jugut, Azinë Juglindore dhe vende dhe rajone të tjera. Që nga themelimi i kompanisë, ne kemi qenë të përkushtuar për të përmirësuar cilësinë e produkteve tona dhe vazhdimisht përpiqemi për përsosmëri. Përveç kësaj, fabrikat tona janë vazhdimisht duke inovuar dhe avancuar, dhe ne jemi të përkushtuar për kënaqësinë e secilit prej klientëve tanë.
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-57
Emri i produktit
Stola e parkut
Hekur/alumin/dru i ngurtë/PS/PVC
Si foto
120 / 150 / 180CM
Rregullon 10
Parkim standard i eksportit
Kushtet e pagesës
L / C, T / T
Park, kopsht, stacion autobusi, rrugë tregtare, qendër tregtare etj
E montuar në sipërfaqe, e lirë, e ngulitur
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-58

product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-59

product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-60
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-61
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-62
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-63
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-64
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-65
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-66
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-67
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-68
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-69
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-70
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-71
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-72
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-73
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-74
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-75
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-76
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-77
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-78
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-79
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-80
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-81
product outdoor wrought iron patio bench park chair with comfortable design-82

P1: A jeni një fabrikë apo tregtar? Ne jemi një fabrikë profesionale në shtëpi - prodhim kopshtari + shitje

Q2: Si të garantoni cilësinë e produkteve? 

Ne kemi ekipin tonë të QC për të kontrolluar cilësinë e produkteve për të gjitha porositë e klientëve tanë përpara ngarkimit. 

Pyetja 3: Sa kohë duhet për të instaluar dhomat e diellit? 

Varet nga aftësitë, ndihma dhe mjetet, zakonisht 2-3 punëtorë do të përfundojnë instalimin 50 m² brenda një dite. 

P4: A janë dhomat e diellit rezistente ndaj shiut? 

Po, kushtet normale të motit, madje edhe shi i madh, dhomat e diellit nuk do të lejojnë të bjerë shi

P5: A mund të përdoren dhomat e diellit pranë detit? 

Të gjithë aksesorët nga aliazh alumini, çelik inox dhe bronzi për të shmangur çdo ndryshk dhe korrozion. 

P6: Si bëjmë biznes? 

Kujdesuni për produktet tuaja dhe shërbeni për nevojat tuaja. 

Na kontaktoni me email ose me telefon. 

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